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• chapter seven •


    I go with Soryu and the others to the basement service entrance. An armored vehicle is parked there. My stomach turns into knots, my gut giving me a warning. I ignore it. We start to walk towards it when a gunshot is heard. I should've known!

    "Shit! Are we under attack?!" Ryosuke growls.

    "Reina!" Soryu covers me and pulls me behind a pillar for protection. "Are you hurt?" He asks as I reach under my dress, bringing out the weapons attached to the straps on my thighs.

    "No," We hear a succession of gunshots as I slip out of my heels.

    "Kyo, take care of Reina!" Soryu starts yelling out orders. "Inui and Samejima will come with me while you protect her." They both respond with a yes sir!

    "Hm? Where's Samejima? He's gone, sir!" Ryosuke points out.

    "Whatever, it's just us then!"

    "Yes, sir!" Soryu and Ryosuke run forward. Gunshots ring out in the dark parking lot. I look around our area, looking for any moving shadows.

"Watch my back and I'll watch yours." I tell Kyo and he nods. I finally hear a car peel away and the gunshots stop.

    "You two okay?" Soryu returns along with Ryosuke.

    "You stay here, Soryu. I'll go check it out." Kyo goes to look while Soryu and I remain behind the pillar.

    "You okay, Reina?" He looks at me concerned, searching me with his eyes for any visible wounds.

    "Yeah, I'm fine." I confirm. "But shouldn't you be worried about Samejima? Isn't this like the second or third time he leaves on a time like this?" Soryu begins to think about it when Kyo and Ryosuke return.

    "The money is secure, Soryu." Kyo announces.

    "The shooters busted through the gate and escaped." Addresses Ryosuke.

    Something moving catches my eye. I whip my attention to Soryu's bleeding arm. "Hey, you're bleeding!"

    "Yeah, I got grazed by a bullet." He says. "A minor scrape like this'll heal on it's own."

    "No, we're gonna take care of it properly." Soryu's reluctant about it at first but gives in.


    "I haven't seen you all day. Was it because of the auction?"


Wow, I'm so clingy. I was worried I did something. We return to the penthouse and I tend to Soryu's wound. "Does the antiseptic sting?"


    "I bet Ryosuke and the others are back at the office by now." I say and he doesn't answer. I glance at him. "It's like his mind is somewhere else right now. "What're you thinking about?" I ask him carefully. "I'm surprised that someone would be after money from the auction."

    "No, they'd have done it differently if they were after the money." Says Soryu, scowling. I begin to think about it. "There are lots of service entrances at the hotel. We decided on the day of the auction which one we'll use. And only a few people knew. So for us to be ambushed like that..."

    "Means only someone familiar with the auction could have been behind it." I finish for him. "So someone close to you is a snake." Soryu looks at me. "Someone snaked on you." He frowns at my choice of words. "Someone betrayed you. They're a traitor." It falls quiet again.

Black Ice 2: Fatal Mobs (KBTBB) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now