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chapter twenty three

I wake up to a headache and cold, hard bed. I let my vision align and let my mind register my surroundings. Bars...? Is this a cell? Where am I? My eyes trail upwards, above the bar door and notice a camera placed in the corner. I sit up and hold my back in pain, wincing. Being pregnant and sleeping in a hard, flat surface is not good for me. For anyone it would be uncomfortable.

"You're finally awake, Reinita," I know that voice all too well but I don't know where it's coming from. I look around. Where are the speakers?

*Fun Fact: he's using her name in a mocking way. usually in Latinx/Latino cultures, we use nicknames out of our names (or simply nicknames) out of love. Reina translates to Queen in English, so Reinita would be Little Queen. but the way it's used in the context is in a mocking way*

"Where am I?" I croak, not recognize my own voice. I hold my head in pain. "Why am I in a cell?" And why does my head hurt so much?

"In the Latin Royalty's headquarters," The Devil answers. "And why? Just had to keep you somewhere,"

"Where's Adrian?"

"Hmm... Your brother is the first person you ask for. Interesting,"

Why does he intend on continuing to upset me? "Why am I here?"

"It was the Black Crowns and Ice Dragon's fault for not doing their job right. It is why you're here," I burp and scrunch up my face at the smell. "Oh, you threw up a few times while unconscious. I didn't know you were pregnant." I don't say anything. "Is it the Dragon's kid?"

I continue to look down. How long am I going to be here for? I have a child on the way. "I need to use the restroom." I mumble and I'm surprised he's able to tell what I said. There's an irritated sigh.

"I hate pregnant women, always bothering someone." He mutters but I catch it. "A guard will take you to one."

"I need to go now!" I hold the bottom of my stomach and slowly stand up, wincing. I've been holding it for so long it hurts.


After that day, Luciel didn't try to interrogate me since he failed the first time. I don't know how many days have passed since I woke up. I've gotten little food and only orange juice to drink. It's so cold and I sleep in the hard, flat 'bed' every night. I feel like a prisoner. My thoughts are filled of worry about my child, my health and wondering what happened to Soryu. Are they going to come for me?

His fear came true. He was right about this - about the whole thing. We got too cocky thinking the deal will come out smoothly. And it's my fault it didn't succeed. I got carried away. I didn't follow the plan Adrian helped me set up. I fell right into the Devil's trick and we got snatched away from Soryu for who knows how long. I regret not considering his feelings a bit more. I shake my head. Why do I keep ignoring his feelings? Soryu's biggest fear at the moment might be receiving news that we're dead.

They won't kill us.

I'm sure they won't.

They can't.

I hope not.

I feel nothing but hopeless in this situation. I see no way out, I can't think of a way out. My belly is big enough now and holds me back from running. I can't run as fast as before. And my body aches with even moving because I'm not resting in a comfortable place or receiving the nutrients I need.

Black Ice 2: Fatal Mobs (KBTBB) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now