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chapter seventeen

"You're under arrest for robbery and attempted murder!" The detective claims and the handcuffs click around the suspect's wrists loudly.

"He got caught?!" I inquire, a bit shock from the plot twist.

"Looks like it," Says Soryu.

We're sitting on the couch watching Tv, days later. Soryu's favorite detective series has been made into a television show. Just as the story is getting good, it leaves us in a cliffhanger as it fades into black before showing us what's going to happen next week.

"Seems like it's going down next week. How exciting," I smile at him.

"I wasn't expecting him to get arrested already!" Soryu wears an annoyed look. That triggers a memory I want to forget. Soryu getting arrested wasn't too long ago. It was a horrible time for us two. Soryu wraps his arm around my shoulder and kisses the side of my head. "You okay?"


"What're you thinking about?" He mumbles into my hair, pulling me closer to him. I shake my head as I lean to him, taking in his scent to calm myself down.

It's the first time we've been together after a while. It was like he was ignoring me before. He never admitted that though so I don't want to jump to conclusions and believe he was. He has work so he's busy. I understand that, I have to. I can't get selfish and ask from him all the time. I still haven't told him about the painting I found... Adrian's words come back to mind. I can't let anyone know I'm suffering. I can't let the Black Crowns and Ice Dragons fight again. I can't.

This is so odd. It doesn't even feel real when things are so peaceful like this. After Mei Ling left and the deal with the Bell Crickets was settled, I didn't know what was going to happen after. I thought we'd be busy with something else on our hands... But we're not. Things like arrests and attacks all seem so far-removed from reality, like it belongs on Tv. They happen all the time in our world though. The unexpected happens like that. I wrap an arm around Soryu, resting my head on his shoulder as we watch ahead to the next show on Tv while savoring the peace we're enjoying together now.

I can't believe it's already been a few months since I found out I am pregnant. Soryu and I nearly broke up once, and for good, but things are better now. I'm grateful. "I just remembered something," I voice out and sit up to look at him. "The other day you said Don (your grandfather) sent Koichi here from Hong Kong?"

"Yes, he thought he could be of service to me."

I don't remember him but I bet I got to see him at least once. I smile and lean my head back on his shoulder. "Don adores you so much, Soryu."

"You know better than anyone that he's not a kind, old man." I snicker to myself as I sit back up, watching how Soryu gets a faraway look in his eyes as he remembers his grandfather. I watch him with a fond look. "He was very strict with me, raising me to become the future boss of the Ice Dragons. From a very young age, I was forbidden to cry. He told me I should never show weakness in front of people."

"I remember you always looking so serious," I smile. My family never forbid me anything. I can't imagine the pain he went through as a kid. We might have been inseparable when we were younger but that doesn't precisely mean I know everything about him. "Hey," Something comes to mind. "Don't you have a photo album from when you were little?"

"A photo album? I don't have such a thing."

"You liar! Your eyes were darting around just now," I point out, half laughing.

Black Ice 2: Fatal Mobs (KBTBB) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now