XX. The War

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The War

chapter twenty

It's been a few weeks since Soryu told me I'd be in danger again. Things seem to be the calm before the storm at the moment. Soryu has spent more time with me since he hasn't gotten information about the Ice Dragons current boss' deal with another mob. Plus the trip we took to return the statue did us good as a couple. It was needed.

But everyday is kind of the same, though on a few days I accompanied Soryu to work where ever that is he may go. My pregnancy is going well, I've gone to my regular check ups and the baby is healthy growing. Soryu accompanied me to all of them. He was curious and I can tell he's nervous about the baby.

We didn't plan it. It was unexpected. But it's a blessing I'm not going to regret. Especially since it's a child from the love of my life. But overall, I'm excited for this new way of living. I was sure of it when we were able to hear the baby's heartbeat during one of the check ups. My heart swelled with joy that day. Soryu and I are still having the talk about what's going to happen with us being tied to the mafia, we can't risk our child's life but he doesn't seem to want to leave that world either. We can't, actually. It'll follow us no matter what. We haven't chosen a name either.

Nothing exciting or unexpected has happened. Besides the unexpected calls from my brother checking up on me but that's it. Apparently the Black Crowns and the Ice Dragons have formed a stronger acquaintance and are working together on a case at the moment.

And today, I'm going along with Soryu see what it is about since Adrian asked for me to join them. Of course, Soryu denied at first for me to take part in it but since I've already finished my first trimester, I'm feeling better and more comfortable and even energetic at times. And I'm also excited to let Adrian see for himself that I'm starting to show. Not only that but I haven't seen him in so long, I missed him.

When we enter the headquarters, Inui is the first to receive us excitedly, just like the other time and make our presence known. "The Oh's are here!"

"We're not married, Inui," I say with a chuckle.

"But you're going in that direction next, right?" He grins. I can't help but pat his head a bit while smiling at him. I sneak a glimpse at Soryu and for once he's not scowling the younger one.

I see Adrian appear and immediately go over and hug him. He reciprocates the gesture after kissing my cheek as part of our cultural greeting. "It's good to see you doing better,"

"I haven't seen you in so long," I look up to prevent the forming tears to fall.

"What is this?" He pulls back with wide eyes, looking down at my stomach. "You're showing now?"

"A little," I smile, my heart filling with joy. I'm barely showing but you can feel it. If only our parents were here to congratulate and see me as well...

Adrian's eyes move over to Soryu who appears next to me. "¿Y tú? (And you?) Did you get the symptoms too?" He teases with a smirk.

Soryu looks away bashfully. "That's not what we're here for," It causes Adrian and I to laugh together. We both know he did at this point, considering the fact that Adrian too is a father now. I still need to see my niece. I made plans with Soryu to accompany me next month to the states or after we're done with this assignment.

From there, we take it to the office to discuss the plan for the new assignment. Apparently they're trying to make an agreement with the man who leads the gang called the Latin Royalty. He's having a huge party the last week of October, in a few weeks, but first, where I play my cards in this assignment, as Adrian stated as "an easy task and out of harms way", I'm having a meeting with the man himself to have a talk. El jefe - the boss - of Latin Royalty, apparently named Luciel Mirallegro, knows the code to the loot but doesn't know where the loot is. This could work out. Or not. Usually it does.

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