Chap.1-Finding myself

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Caribbean prov-

"Hey! Your mom says you should get up, she needs your help with something" a husky voice said waking me from my sleep.

I try to get my vision to normal ; I held my head up and open my eyes to be greeted by the beautiful sun peeking in on me.

I drop my head in my pillow one last time before I throw the sheets off and sat at the front of the bed with my feet dangling.

I moved my gaze from the ground to see my step dad Dave still standing at the room door ; making sure Im up .

"Ok "I let out.

Shortly after I heard his pair of bulldozer hurrying off down the hall.

I had only arrived in America from Jamaica hours ago, Im not one to travel at nights ;let along on night flights but I had no choice . As beautiful as the experience was I hate traveling at nights period.

I plant my head in my hands and let my dreads fall forward ,after a few seconds holding this gesture. I push my dreads back using a rubber band I had on my wrist to put them into a low pony tail. I didnt get to unpack last night; come to think of it I dont even remember when we got here. I was so tired after that 3hrs flight from JA to here; well it was really 2hrs because of the fact that Americans are one hour ahead but yea.

I got up and walk towards the entrance I had seen Dave standing minutes ago, as I step through the door I noticed that the room I was in was actually the last room down this hall. I followed the path till I was looking down some stairs.

"This is some shit" I said to myself, thinking how could I not remember coming up these damn steps last night.

Making my way down I could hear my mom humming somewhere ahead. I followed her comfort humming to the room straight ahead; the kitchen.

"Good morning ma"

I leaning in the door way of the kitchen with both hands in my black jogger's pockets I still had on from my trip yesterday.

"Look I know your tired and all, but I need you to go to the store down the road for me."

She said not looking away from what she is doing.

I stood there looking at her blankly waiting to see if she would remember that I am a alien here. Before I could respond Dave rushed in the kitchen slipping one hand around my mom hugging her from behind.

"Im late for work beautiful, see you later! "
with this he planted a kiss on her neck.

I looked away feeling sort of embarrassed of this display.

I heard a kissing sound, guessing thats my mom returning the smoosh. My mom surprised me when she married Dave, I thought she loved my dad, I thought they where planning on getting back together; that was when I was eighteen. Now Im pretty sure that was just my imagination running away with me.

Dave isnt a bad guy though, he was always nice to me and my little sisters. My little sisters loved him for all the presents he would bring us, sometimes for no special reasons. He treats my mom very good too, as how a queen should be treated and thats how he won me over. I loved my mom, though she doesnt seem to feel the same towards me sometimes. Doesnt bother me much to be honest , there is noting she could say or do to make me hate her ;Im a daddys girl anyway.

"Taidan!" my mom shouted catching me off-guard.

"Huh" I said jumping back to face her.

"Girl what you have going on in that big head of yours! Go get my hand bag. Its in that room"
pointing to the room across from the kitchen.

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