Chapter 25

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Taidan in media👆

Xavier Prov.

I woke up on the floor next to Ta and Alex on the couch, I instantly held my head from the headache that hit me.

I walked over to the bathroom brushed my teeth and took two aspirins... This is the last time im drinking this much again....Ugh😩

I walked over to Ta and Alex still asleep, took up the glasses and ash tray and brought them to the kitchen.

As I walked to the kitchen I saw Jess making coffee...

"Morning baby!" I told her kissing her on the neck from behind.

"So yall just gonna smoke all the good good and not wake me?" She responded throwing out two cups of coffee, handing one to me.

"Thanks!" I thanked her as I laid the glasses in the sink, I took a sip.. "Blame Alex!" I told her..

She knew just how I like My coffee; black, no suger no cream.

"You know what I just realized?" She asked looking up at me..

"What?" I asked sipping my coffee.

"We all got fucking dreads!" She says.. "Me, you, Alex and Taidan!.... We like a mother fucking dread band or some shit?"

I laughed.. "Wah ever!" I told her laughing .

"JESS!" We heard Alex shouted from in the room sounded horrifying, my heart shifted.
Jess and I ran to the room, we bust the door open ...

"What!" Quickly running over to where her and Ta was.

Alex hugged Jess around the waist, she was still on the couch.

"My head hurts!" She wines.

"TF!.. man you almost gave us a fucking heart attack!" I told her holding my chest...

"Aint nobody called you tho!" Alex says sticking her tongue out at me.

Jess giggles as she rubs Alex's head.

I swear them two fucking😑.

Ta was still laying on the floor but now on her back...

"You good baby?" I asked Ta kneeling down where she lays.

She looks up at me and smiled..

"Once I have you in my life ill always be good" She says.

I could feel my face turning red from blushing; I moved a few dreads out her face as I went down and pecked her on the lips.

She truly have come into my life as a blessing, who would have thought id actually see my ex face to face and not want to break down like I once use to.

Each time I see Taidan I feel some type of way on the inside , cant really explain it... It's the same feeling I had when I saw her the first time... Like this was meant to be.

Its almost been a year since we knowing each other , I swear I couldn't have asked for it to be any other way with her... If I could go back in time I wouldn't change a thing....

I have so much planned for our anniversary .... I just can't wait.

She has been distant these days and im lost as to what could be on her mind.

I was talking to Jess about it , she says knowing that this Ta's first stud on stud relationship maybe she just having a hard time adjusting and what not.

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