Cap.2-Open to change

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(Xavier 👆)

I quickly jumped from the bed and wipe my face to make it seem I wasnt crying. I never let anyone see me cry, that's weakness in my eyes and I was anything but weak.

I didnt respond to her as I watch her rip the picture up to bits.

"I brought you here so you can start over with a MAN" she stressed the MAN as she continued.

"if I find out u back with that bitch of yours ill send yo ass back to her in a flash and I will find out "
with that she walked out the room.

I looked down to the ripped pieces of paper on the floor, I trow my clothes on the bed and gather the pieces in my hand.

How can this be that Im still madly in love with this girl after all she did. How!?

I placed all the pieces in the bin under the sink in the bathroom. I looked up in the mirror at my reflection.

"what did I ever do to her to deserve this?"
A single tear roll down my face as I stare at my reflection.

I rest my hands on the sink and held my head down. After a few minutes lost in my feels I turned both handles in and wash my face with the warm water.

I went back to the bed and grab my clothes and went into the shower. After 15 minutes I stepped out dried off and threw my clothes on,deodorant and Axe spray.

My mom confirmed that this room was where ill be staying.I had no plans for the day so I decided to unpack.

Later that evening

"Taidan" I heard a faith voice calling my name. I looked around but it was all darkness, I couldnt see anyone.

"Taidan Orlando is at the door for you"

I jumped from my sleep.
I fell asleep on the bed with a few of my stuff still out of place.

I rub my eyes and made my way down the steps, ill put the rest away when I get the time.

Orlando was in the kitchen with my mom. He had on full black like he was about to go on a robbery, topped off with a big sliver chain around his neck and stud earrings that shine more each time the lights hits it. He looking pretty good.

I looked over at the kitchen clock and it reads 1:30 pm, I wonder what she cooking from morning.

"hey Lando" I shorten this name

"hey, I was asking your mom if you could come hang with me for the day"
he said stuffing a slice of bread in this mouth.


"you can go, here is a few dollars to buy a burger at the Orlando I dont want you to bring my daughter to anywhere else but the mall!! You hear me boy?" she said answering for me.

"yes maaam "

I look over at Lando who had the most innocent look Ive ever seen a adult do. I laughed out at this.

"oh yall think Im playing, boi you aint too big for an ass wooping"

"she will be fine Mrs Johnson, ill take care of her"
he said getting up from around the island.

"give me a min let me get my shoes"

I ran up the steps two at a time.

I was excited about this big change to be honest. My mom kept telling me she moved me from Jamaica because she thinks there are too much lesbians there....Cause America is sooooo gay free Right?.

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