Chapter 18

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Xavier in media☝.

Taidan prov.
I got done with the bed and sat patiently on it waiting on her to come out; I got that feeling you usually get when you get sent to the principal office and you stilling outside waiting to hear your punishment.

She finally came out fully dressed in a white shirt with her sports bar showing on both sides and black sports shorts.

I got up from the bed.

"Are you ok?" I asked her.

"Im good.." she says without looking up at me..

Which I am used to by now.

She walks pass me, went in the bed and under the covers.

I walked over and did the same.

She lay on one side with her back turned to me, I scoot up beside her. She turns around and buried her face in my chest, I hugged her and kissed her forehead ; without saying a word, we were speaking to each other.

We remain like this for almost half an hour; I drifted off .

My phone went off in my pocket, I grabbed it so it wouldn't wake Xa; Dam Alarm..

I got the phone out my pocket carefully turn the alarm off and put the phone back into my pocket.

I looked down at Xa and she is fast asleep, I brushed a few of her dreads out her face ; She is so beautiful.

I rub her face then across her full lips....Dam.. Im feeling this girl... But why do I have this doubting feeling deep down.

I kissed her lips softly...

She shifts but didn't respond... I smiled.

I got up and got ready for work, I will tell Mr Harris she isn't feeling well.

I was ready in about an hour, I walked over to the bed and tucked her in... I kissed her once more.

I walked out the door and down the stairs, I had texted Lando to come get me from earlier.

I open the door and sat on the steps waiting for Lando to come tru.

A few minutes later his black car pulled up in the drive way with heavy music beating down the place.

I walked over to the car and got into the front passenger seat.

"Hey!.. Thanks." I told him as closed the door.

He turned the music down and shift into reverse.

"So where Harris ass at..?"

"She sleeping" I tell him as I looked out the window.

"Oh!... Hoes gadda sleep too right?"

I looked over at him and my blood began to boiled out of anger..

"Whatever!" I said looking away from him.

We drove off down the road without another word...

We pulled up to the store and I got out and closed the door.

I pull my phone out ;8:30 am.

There was a few other employees outside waiting for someone to come let them in too.

"Morning" I said so everyone could hear.

"Morning Ms Gayle." They said in union.

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