chapter 33

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Alikâ in the media

Taidan Prov.

I woke up to her sitting up looking at me...
"What?" I asked her as I rub my eyes.
"When did you get here?... And in my bed?" She asked.
I put both my hands behind my head and looked at her .

"What?" I asked her.
"When did you get here?... Cause you weren't at my party last night."

"I was!" I corrected her as I got out of bed.
"I was in here getting this ready" turning in the room.
"Oh!.... " She said as she played with the sheets.

"What did you drink last night?"

"Awwwm.. I'm not sure..."

"Well you brought it all back up last night."
I told her as I walked to my back pack.

"I did?" She asked looking surprised.

"Yap!... So I couldn't give you your present" I open the jewel box with her neckless in it, it had her name spelt out on the pendant.

She gasp and cover her mouth.
I took it out the box and put it around her neck.

"Happy belated birthday, I love you" I told her.

She hugs me and I could feel tears falling on me.

"I have to tell you something" She mumbles still hugging me.
I released her and sat on the bed giving her my attention.

".... I'm really sorry about Toya... She wouldn't help me with the paper work unless I slept with her.."

"Xavier!.... I-"

"Please.... Let me finish... She never touched me, not that it makes the situation any better... And yesterday I wanted to talk to you so bad, but you wouldn't talk to me."

She seems to be so thorn up I just couldn't look at her.

"When I did see you, you were with a child and some other girl at a tattoo shop"

I looked at her surprised..
How did she even see us?
She looked at me as if she was waiting for an explanation.

"Umm... Well.... I was there cause I got this!" I told her showing her ,her initials on my arm.

"You got a tattoo?" She was surprised, only cause I'm not a tattoo person let along puting someone's name on my arm.

She held my hand as she examine it, she hugs me tightly..
"I'm so glad that's what it was, I though you were seeing someone else".
I froze..
Well damn! What now..
I hugged her tightly.

Right there is when I decided I wouldn't tell her;I couldn't tell her.
I'll cut all ties with Alikâ , I'm not gonna fuck this up for no one..

A week later...

I had asked Alikâ to meet me at a bar I knew well, I've took an Uber to meet her.
Yes! I know about Uber now so my ass won't get left nowhere again.
I sat and waited almost half an hour and this waiter was now looking at me like if I don't order something soon he would throw me out.
As I pull my phone out to ask her what's taking her so long she called.

"Where are you?" I answered

"I'm still home, Talikâ's dad didn't come get her yet so I'm waiting on him." She tells me.

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