Chapter 27

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Taidan in Media👆

Xavier Prov

I woke up and looked​ over at the time on my bedside clock; 5:15 am.

It was still dark in the room, I looked over at Taidan nude and fast asleep beside me.

I rub on her face and kissed her before I grabbed​ a few things and went down stairs to take a bath; I didnt want to wake her.

First things first, I had to go get my laptop from my office, ill have all I want on there.

I got dressed and ran back up the stairs to Alex's​ room, I knocked lightly and pushed​ the door walking in.

Alex was in bed still asleep, I pulled​ the covers off her face.

"Alex?" I whispered

She didnt respond

"Alexxxx!" I called out again this time shaking her

"Hmmmm!... Jess go back to sleep" She mumbles patting my hand as she covered her head once more.

I yank the cover off her.

"TF!" She says sitting up, Alex is not a morning person.. She hates being tormented during her sleeps.

"Alex I want you to bring Ta to work today.. ok?!" I asked making sure she heard​ me.

"OK!" She says with an attitude attempting to pull the covers back over her body.

"DO YOU HEAR ME!" I semi yell pulling back the cover from her.

"OMG! Yes.. I heard you!" She respond sounding annoyed at me as she balled up in the sheets.

Cranky ass!

I rub her head as I make my way out of the room, as I pass my room I couldn't help but make one last check on her before I leave.

She was in the same position I had left her in, looking peaceful.

I stare at her awhile before I went down and kissed her lips.
"Hmmm...." She toss and turn, I stopped​ and hold my composure not trying to make a sound or movement to make her open her eyes..

She holds her head up...


"Bae?" She asked rubbing her eyes.
"Where you going?" She asked now sitting up , she used the cover to cover her naked body.

"Awwmmm" I try to find what to tell her . I sat on the side of the bed facing her.

"Have to take care of some business." I tell her as I run my hand on her face, she still looked sleepy.

"Can I come?" She yawned.

"You have to go to work baby" I explained "And I really have alot to do..May take all day".

"You sound like Mr Harris" She tells me as she smiles.

I gave a smile and hugged her, I inhaled her scent that never seems to leave her. I even smell her when she's​ not around.

"I love you" I tell her "I'll come see you at lunch".

"I love you too baby" She says with the most innocent smile ever, I almost didn't wanna leave.

I smiled at her as I make my way out the door.

I put the car key in plain sight so Alex will see it.

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