thirty nine

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"Listen, I don't like you guys bullying T, she's having a hard time just moving here-" Lane follows behind Steph and I walk to our car.

"T as in Tatiana?" Steph raises an eyebrow, interrupting Lane.

"Who else would I be talking about?" He pauses, "Look I don't like you guys saying mean stuff or making her feel like she's less than you guys, she's only just started school here."

"She's only just started school here and she's passed herpes to the entire football team?" Steph laughs and I grin a little, not joining the conversation.

"Listen." He stops us from walking by standing right in front of us and pointing his finger.

"Don't point your finger at us." I roll my eyes and he ignores me.

"Lola, I know you think you're all that cause you're now wearing heaps of makeup and dressed like you're-" He starts and I cut him off.

"I don't take orders from you anymore, so I'm politely asking you to move out of our way." I drag Steph by the wrist and we begin to walk to where my dad says he's parked.

"Stop being an ass, it ruins your attractive face." Steph turns and smiles to Lane.

I don't know why, but all I feel towards Lane is hatred. Hate is a strong word, I'm aware, but that's why I used it.

There are a limited number of spaces for the Seniors International Field Trips and I'm hoping Lane and I don't end up in the same country, or that he doesn't get a space.

This time last year I was so blindly 'in love' with him.

"How are you guys?" My dad asks when we slide into the car and wait for my mum, she always stays back an extra thirty minutes to talk to Pastor Salleras.

"We're okay." I answer for Steph and I as she seems very absorbed in her phone, she starts to text someone and when she sighs in disappointment after they don't respond. That's when I realise it's Wesley.

The Black Girl (#2) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now