Chapter 3

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(AN: please read to the end!!)

•Clarissa's Pov•
It's been a few days since Shawn told me what Jack and Marissa had been doing. I had not confronted Jack, and I wasn't planning on it, I was planning on something else, something bigger than that. It's was a 7 letter word, something that would teach Jack a lesson. REVENGE! I hadn't planned what I was going to do but I knew it had to be good. I dicided to call Shawn about it
S- Shawn

C- Shawn I need ideas for revenge on Jack
S- I have just the idea.....

( AN; See you guys next time)


•Clarissas Pov•

few days later..
Today is going to be an eventful day at school, i am going to pretend that everything okay and then invite Jack over to my house. When Jack arrive he'll walk into what looks like Shawn and I just finished sex but is actually just a fake.

•Clarissa's Pov•
I put on my lots of makeup to make it look like I have hickeys, Shawn had his shirt off and is only in his boxers. I am just in bra and underwear as well as one of Shawn shirts.

After a few minutes I heard the door bell ring. I ran over to it in my whole get up and then opened the door. Jack looked shocked. Then Shawn walked over and said "babe who's at the door" Jack walked off pissed and I yelled loudly so he could hear "that's what you get for cheating on me you bastard!!"
"are you okay Clarissa?" Shawn asked
"no not really. " I replied with
"I'll be right back"
And shortly after Shawn arrived with a buck of junk food and we just pigged out and watched movies on Netflix. Shawn was so much of a better Boyfreind even though he want actually my Boyfreind. I suddenly got this weird feeling, this weird thought that u wnated Shawn to actually be my Boyfreind. Did I have a crush on Shawn. No I'm just to upset and an being hormonal I thought to myself. But deep down I knew that was a lie, I knew that I liked Shawn I just fiding want to admit it. I didn't want to ruin what Shawn and I had witch is a great friendship I love our friendship and I didn't want to ruin it over some stupid realashiondhip. But it wasn't stupid. Yes it is. No it's not! Besides he probably dosnet even like me.

(AN: you guys I have 3 things to say #1: if u comment update chances are I will
#2 do you like short chapters every day or 2 or long chapters every week or 2
3# Comment below also thanks to you all reading love yall💘

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