Chapter 15

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•Shawn's Pov•
I was so proud of Clarissa and her team. They worked there butts off the whole season. Despite the fact I didn't really understand the game I enjoyed watching it. Mostly Clarissa. She was a pure athlete. They way she moved and the fact she was always in the right spot to get the ball amazed me. She was only a junior and was already captain. She had already caught the attention of many collage scouts and I knew she had a collage career ahead of her.

Right before the game started I got a call from a man named Andrew. He's a talent manger, For famous people. Ever since I started posting me singing on countless social media sites I blew up. Although only some people knew my name it felt good to get noticed for something. I still hadn't told Clarissa yet. She didn't have any social media sites so unless someone brought it up she'd have no way of knowing. I will tell her. Soon. I told my parents and they said yes. I leave in 2 days. That gives me 1 day to tell Clarissa. I'll tell her tomorrow. Still happy but a day after her championship. I asked if I could bring her but Bart said it would cause to much drama plus she's not famous. It made me sad to think of not seeing her for 5 months but I knew I would wait for her. But would she wait for me?

Skip to the next day.....

•Clarissa's Pov•
When Shawn told me that he could sing I was amazed. Why did he never say anything to me. Then he
told me that he was going on a tour, his own tour. Well I guess I'll see you then. "Well bye for now" I said sadly "I will never say goodbye, because it's not good and this is more like a see you later." He told me. "Well see you later" I exclaimed while giving him a hug. "I'll Skype you and text you everyday!" He promised.

Little did I know that he can't keep a promise...

(AN: Timing all out of whack bare with me!!)

Well that almost happened, but It didn't. Shawn skyped me everyday, for a while at least. It soon ended up only being about every few weeks. Then it turned into nothing at all.

Our friendship, our relationship. Was non existent. And I felt invisible. Shawn was my only true friend. Although I had everyone on my team, it just wasn't the same. Shawn and I had somethings special. But in the fog of Shawn's fame it got lost. Maybe one day found but that certainly was not any day, week, or month soon. Maybe it wouldn't disappear.

*Flash forward a few months*
I figured that maybe he was just busy, and that he would eventually call. But that never happened. Only in cliche movies and fan fiction books (AN: well this is awkward) i had stopped checking what Shawn was doing. I didn't know what your he was doing, or what songs he was making. I had gotten over him. Lies I knew they were lies but, lies are what keep humans together. Telling themselves everything is going to be okay, when it was a straight up lie. It gave them 'hope' I had given up on the shenanigans, hope was a lie made up for the sake of people's sanity.

I had only a few days left in my Junior year. I was sad,lonely and felt like a no-one. Everyone who claimed to be my 'friend' really wasn't. Most of them talked behind my back. I was 'popular' and loved but I was still lonely I felt as though the life in me had been stripped and stomped on. But I hid my thoughts with a pearly white, fake smile. No one knew. I didn't want anyone to know. I didn't want the pity or the attention. I just wanted Shawn.

It's funny we all want what we can't have. It's selfish. Cruel. And disgusting, yet it's inevitable, we all just do it anyways. We're all bitches whether we like to or not. But I was the biggest bitch. It's not like I wanted to. But I just did. There was only one explanation, one word, five letters, SHAWN.

AN: hello today's word count is: 734! Yay!

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