Chapter 8

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•Clarissa's Pov•
It's been officially 5 weeks since I've even said a word to Shawn. He stopped trying to call me and j wondered why. I still go to school but I'm barley passing. I just sit in the back of the room everyday. I haven't smiled in a very long time. I'm not proud of myself anymore. My parents are still on a business trip, and j could care less. I haven't ate anything besides the accasional fruit and water. I'm so ugly and fat. I barley care about myself anymore. On the bright side summers in a few weeks. Not that I'll even leave the house.

•Shawns Pov•
Ugh I miss Clarissa. There's a pecice of my heart missing, she still has it but it's locked away. I decided to give her space. She is obviously not going to respond. But I have an idea...

•Clarissa's Pov•
It was a normal school day. I just kept my head down avoiding all human interaction. I was so happy the school day was over. I was walking out the door when some one touched me and handed me something, it was a letter.

Go to the place where we first met
-muffin buddy

Ugh I knew this was one of Shawns famous gestures. I knew Exactly the place he ment. Our pre-k it was about a 5 minute walk so i just decided to walk there. As in made my way to the entrance I saw G (that's what I'm calling Jack G) he handed me another letter.

Your a smart girl ya know I knew you'd know exactly what I meant by 'the place where we first met' anyways go to the place we had our first double date. -Shawnie

Ah I knew he meant crusty's. It was a pizza resusraunt. I met there with Shawn and Lauren and Jack and I. I took at cab there. I saw Cam with what I order every time there pizza with pasta on it and a peace tea. After I finished eating then cam gave me the next letter.

So you've over come these first few obstacles now here's the next.
Go to the place where you cry out your feeling too me. -Shawn

I knew just the place. Starbucks. I got a cab to take me there. And I ordered what I wanted and the cash register guy said "oh so your Clarissa, it's already payed for." I grabbed my muffin and frappe and sat down.
Taped on the cup had a letter.

I know you too well you ordered the vanilla frappe and chocolate muffin. Go to the place we first kissed. - Muffin Buddy.

It was the tree house behind my house. I Just ran there cause it wasn't too far maybe 2 miles. And climbed the narrow ladder up into the tree house, and there say Shawn. "I'm sorry" he yelled. "I'm still mad but I forgive you!" I stated. "It's cramped in here lets get out of here" he said "but first there's something I've been meaning to do" he finished. Suddenly he crashed his lips into mine. I immediately kissed back, and a few seconds later stopped kissing and let go to be a tease. " you'll have to catch me" I screamed and jumped out of the tree house and started running but when caught up and tackled me. He pulled me back up and kissed me passionately. God I had longed to do that.

(AN: your welcome😇😉 I know it's very cliche but everyone likes a cliche story. I know I do😂😂 ugh the pic at too is just 😍💘😫😭😭)

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