Chapter 12

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•Clarissa's Pov•
The question hit me like a rock. I started bawling my eyes out. Then suddenly I saw a dark sheet of black....

•Shawn's Pov•
Oh shit she just passed out. I shouldn't of asked that question. I called 911 and then a few minutes later they ambulance arrives and picks her up. I was allowed to ride with her because I said I was family even though I was not. ( AN:Ooh Shawn the savage) on our way to the hospital I stroked her long blonde hair and sang softly to her. I never really told her that I loved to sing. It just never got brought up. I never really sang in front of people only my family knew really. I would one day tell her because I would most likely be presuing music. But until then I'll keep my secret.

*Flash forward a few hours*

I have been siting in this fricking waiting room for 3 hours. Wondering when I will be able to visit her again!! I just wish she would wake up so I could see her beautiful emerald green eyes sparkle and look at me again. She just looked lifeless and it pained me to see her in that condion.  " Mr. Mendes could we talk to you, Ms.Mcglocklin has been starving herself. It looks like she hasn't eaten properly in a few weeks, whatever happens before she passed out may have been over powering and stressed her out so she just simply passed out, she should wake up pretty soon, and should be able to play in her championship game, if she starts eating properly. Since her last check up she's lost 15 pounds, which is a lot to loose of your already as skinny as she was. I'm sorry to tell you this but she has been diagnosed with anorexia." The doctor explained. That's where I lost it. I started to cry. Not just a tear or two but bawling my eyes out! Why was she doing this to herself? I just sat in the waiting room sad, almost broken like half of the other people sitting there. "Excuse me sir but Ms.Mcglocklin is up if you'd like to visit!" One of the nurses told me.  "Okay" I responded with while walking towards her room.

(AN: thanks so much if you still even read this story, it means a lot. Please comment below if you want me to update! Comments make my day💖 I literally read all of them!)

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