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•Shawn's Pov•
Charlie is turning 16 today. Not only is today Charlie's 16th birthday, it's also the 16th anniversary of Clarissa's death. I told Clarissa the truth when she was in 8th grade. Well most of the truth. I failed to mention the part of how she died, but I honestly don't think Charlie wanted to know. She was upset for a little bit but she understood that she wasn't the reason I wasn't telling her, I was the reason. Because I knew that once I had told Charlie about what had happened I would finnaly be letting go. Realizing that she's not coming back.

Soon I'd be with Clarissa, because of Charlie.

When Charlie was born she needed a heart transplant, but she didn't need one till she was older. So I kept it a secret from her. She was never in any pain until about 3mounths ago. I took her to the doctors to find out what was wrong. A few minutes later, The doctors pulled me aside and told me she needed a heart transplant. I didn't understand at first. But then I did.

•Charlie's Pov•
I woke up in a hospital room, unsure of what was gapping or why I was here. A few minutes later a nurse came in and handed me a few pills. Without hesitation I swallowed them. She also handed me a note it read,
Dear my light and joy,

You asked me what I was going to get you for your birthday this year. I didnt tell you because I wanted it to be a surprise.

As you know and feel, your heart has some issues. It hurt you didn't it. It felt really bad, yet you told me otherwise. Said it was fine and that you were fine. But I knew otherwise. I took you to the doctors and told me something I didn't want to hear, that you needed a heart transplant.

You see I've know you needed a heart transplant since the day you were born but the doctors said that you wouldn't need it until later in life. Well apparently, this is later in life. Right now as your reading this, this is later in life.

Honey I gave you my heart. But unlike before I literally have you my heart. Not just figuratively. Yes this means I no longer can live but I know for a fact I will live on in your heart forever and always. I hope you'll do great things. Scratch that, you WILL do great things. I hope that one day you will tell my story, and sing my songs. Since I know you have a great voice. ( like I wouldn't hear you in the shower)

Sweet heart I know you've never asked but I owe it to you. Here's the truth about your mother.  She died. Yes you already know that part of the story. But, she died while giving birth to you. You were a miracle they told me. You shouldn't have survived but I'm so glad you did. I hate to admit it but you remind me so much if your mother. You look just like her. Sometimes it would kill me to see your face. But eventually, I came to the senses that your mom was not coming back, and your one of the only things I had left from her.

Don't worry about me princess, I'm with mom now, in a better place. I promised your mother I would watch you and be better to you than her parents were to her, so I may have not fully competed my mission, but you being alive is better than nothing.

I have a few things that I don't want anyone to have, but you. I've hidden them somewhere special that only you'd know where. Here's a map, find them. I promise it's worth it.

Remember I love you too the moon and back, yours truly

Shawn Peter Raul Mendes

Aka, Dad

At this point I was sobbing, and my heart ached not because I had it surgically implanted into me but because I knew that my Dad was gone, but he died for me.

There's a quote I read online once it read 'not all superheroes wear capes' there's a lot of bullshit online, but this, sure as hell was true. My Dad died heroically, for me. He gave up his life, with no hesitation so I could live on, and for that reason and many others I owe my father everything.

a few days later I decided to step outside and go find the items my dad hid. I looked at the map and started walking, a few seconds later I felt myself collapse. "Watch were your going!" I exclaimed, then I looked up to see a handsome boy with a 5'9 frame,pale skin and bluw eyes that looked like swimming pools. I felt as though I could swim in his eyes. "Hey." He said. "Hi" I responded with.

That is the end of my family's story's and the beginning of my story, But it's another story to be told, another time.

AN: Yes I killed like all of my characters lol. Thanks to anyone who ever read this but here's a shout out to some of the people I remeber.
mendestastic  u rock girl
someoneSM thanks for always voting and being there from the very beginning lol u were my first reader
life_of_the_mendes for being an active reader and for always repulsing to my comment on her story😂
shecupid for literally voting on every chapter u rock💘
bri_bri_20 for just reading and voting💗

That's about it!! Thanks to all you lovelies 💞

Thanks so much to anyone who even ever read one chapter. I never expected to get 300+ reads. 💘

Anyways I will continue this story but in a new format with new characters and the main character is, you guessed it Charlie. Yes the boy she bumped into will be in the story, and yes it's a fanfic about.... The one and only James TW. It will be slow updates but I'm excited to do this one😊 any questions or comments please leave below!

Signing off for now, Julia💗

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