Chapter 16

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(AN: so I saw a promotion of illuminate on watt pad
Like lol. I was reading a Shawn fanfic too. Also, heads up there is another flash forward sorry😂)

*Flash forward 1 year*

•Clarissa's Pov•
Today was the day I graduated, Shawn was not among us. Shawn was mearley a mystery to our school. To everyone in Pickering. People stopped talking about him, and stopped all association with him. He was just another person who went to this school. I had moved on. Stopped caring about his absence. My heart still occasionally ached, but like any rational person I ignored it. I wasn't sure what he was doing, I had stopped caring, okay I jut stopped stalking. I had moved on. I had figured out my life plans, and Shawn wasn't in it. I would play field hockey, lacrosse, and soccer for the Maryland Terrapins, and get my degree in interior designing and literature. I had two majors. But I could take it all in. I knew I could. I just had to eliminate any distractions. Which mostly meant boys.

*Skip 2 years*
I had won two championship games with my team and had done exceptionally well in all of my classes, well except math. (AN: literally me😂)  because of my hard work I was given a spot to go to Paris with a bunch of other people. Including my new friend Taylor. (AN: yes the Taylor Cummings of the Terripans girls lacrosse team. Sorry I just had to add her in. If you don't know her then shame. Just kidding)

I was super pumped to sight see!

(AN: super short chapter sorry😬😬)

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