Chapter 14

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Who's staying up till 12 for you know what!!🙋🏼🙋🏼🙋🏼🙋🏼

Omg u guys this is an update but ruin is music to my ears. I'm crying because I've been waiting for this for a long time ahhhhh!!!! It's worth the purchase! My last dying wish is to listen to this song while dying. I will die peacefully😍😍!

Warning!: this has a lot of lacrosse key words so if u don't understand just comment below!!

Clarissa's Pov
Today is the day. My championship game. I was so nervous. I had to try to the fields at 10am before the game at 11 for warm ups. We started with a quick jog lap. Then we did butt kicks, lion kings, squats, sides, lunges, karaoke etc. to warm up our body's. After we had a catch and ran some drills like the banana drill, or the pick and roll drill. After all of those events we had five minutes till game time. My coach gave us her famous, in couraging speech/pep talk and then everyone made there way to there positions. I started at center, and would most likely be there the whole time or at least a half. (AN: I usually am in center for half of a half because we do rotations and middy a whole half and then I switch back and forth depending on what my coach needs)

The other team was beating us by 1 point. I knew I had to step up my game I had only gotten 2 goals and I really wanted a hat trick. I was hungry for at least one more goal. After a quick pep talk from me we headed back to our spots. I got set for the draw I put extra pressure against the other girl and gave her a mean look it always scared them. We pushed up and I caught it right out of the air I sprinted down the field but saw there was no goal opprtunity do I passed to Megan, she passed back to me and I shot behind my back, I made it in!! Everyone was cheering and I felt so good at that moment. I saw Shawn and I blew him he caught it and put it against his lips giving me a flirty wink I just chuckled to myself while running back to the center. We pushed up and then I smacked the ball to one of the team mates, but suddenly I heard a whistle. On the ground was the other draw girl pretending she got injured. My stick didn't even touch her. I got a penalty of 2 minutes and I was beyond angry. When I got back on the field I played extra had making sure that the girls field time was not a good time for her.  By the end of the game she as probably crying, well good for her. Yes you may call me overally competitive and I agree. But I feel that if someone messes with me while I'm on the field it's there mistake, and they should pay. Especially if there a lying hoe bag that tries to cheat. Well we beat them and won so suck it. Yes my smack talk sucks. We all ran up to each other and had a big group hug. Everyone carried me and chanted my name. I felt on top of the world. After our celebration I ran up to shame and kissed him passionately. I loved every kiss we shared but more importantly I loved him even more. He was my everything. My rock. My love. My bae. My muffin man. My running buddy. My bestfreind. And maybe one day husband. Yes it was a big step to say so but I could imagine spending everyday of my life with Shawn. I loved him that much. We walked to his car hand and hand and I wasn't even bothered about the fact my parents has missed my big game because I had everything I will ever need right beside me....

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