¢нαρтєя 8

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Jorge's POV

"You know that everyone in school is talking about it, right?" Ruggero says.

We were alone having a private talk without anyone else interrupting us.

I sigh. "Yeah, I know."

"What are you gonna do?"

"Honesty? I have no idea.Now everyone in school suspects that I was weak back then. Tricked like an idiot."

"Really Jorge?" He says and his face us full of disappointment. "You care about your popularity the most? How many times do I have to tell you dude? Stop caring about that so much."

Yeah, that's Ruggero for you. He thinks like that. But I just can't. It's the only thing I have left. My heart is broken and I can't heal it. I don't know how yet at least.

"You know the reason i care so about it so much."I rub my hands on my face.

"You still hate it when they talk about her like that. Why?"

"It just hurts. I loved her Ruggero."It sounds funny now that I hear it from me.

The Jorge Blanco in love?

"I still don't get it."

"Tell me about it."

"Guys! Come on. We made the 10 minutes late in class already."Facu calls us out and we make our leave.


Class was boring as always and plus I got detention.

At least I got both of my phones today so I can keep at least one of them. I went to the detention room and saw the characteristic raven hair that I would recognize anywhere.

I didn't talk to her, I just walked over to my seat and waited till the professor walked out so I can stay on my phone to keep my thoughts busy.

"Hey." She says and I ignore her. "You can't ignore me forever."

"But I can try."I pull out my phone.

"Talking to your new girlfriend?Or should I say, one night stand?" She says, disgust spitting out like venom in her voice.

"None of your business." I say calmily so I don't lose my tempter.

"Even if you think that I don't care about you, you're wrong. I do care about you Jorge." These words coming from her mouth make me wanna vomit.

"I was so heartbroken when I learned that you became such a player and all the alcohol you consumed."

"Oh so making out with random guys in the park or anywhere else is what? A way to make the 'heartbreak' go away?"I say mocking her actions the previous year.

She was about to open her mouth and say something but I cut her off. "Let me make something clear for you Stephanie, I have moved on. Maybe can't trust many people, or fall in love,  but at least I am not stuck in the past."

I turn my attention to my phone again so I can cool down.

"I feel you." She sighed.

"Jorge, I was forced. My parents didn't approve of you. I couldn't just risk being with you."

"I have been told that you take risks for the ones you love. Air quoted by you Stephanie. You said that to me. Even if it means risking your life." I say and decided to a text Tini.

To:Bet subject

Can't stop thinking about me?

Her reply comes in like 5 seconds.

From:Bet subject

Leave me alone troublemaker.

I smile at the reply.

"Is she more important than me?"I raise my eyebrow looking at her.

"It's just a girl that I am using for a bet. But why do you care."

"What's her name so I can rip her face off?"

Then the door opens.

"You can go now. Here are your phones." The professor says handing us our phones and I quickly walk out of the room.

I don't wanna have to deal with her anymore.

Stephie's POV

The professor hands us the phones back and Jorge practically runs out of the room and forgets his other phone on his chair.

Now is my chance to see who that girl is.

I open the phone and go through his texts.

There's so many girls here. Let's go to the most current.

'Bet subject'.

That's absolutely her.

I call her from my phone.


"Hello. With who am I speaking with?"I ask.

"With Martina Stoessel. Who is this?"

"Oh, so you are not Lily?"


"Oh I'm so sorry. Bye."

"Bye?"She says with a questioning tone.

I need to find her tomorrow.


Hey guys!Mini part as always..sorry...i will try doing a longer next time like 1000+!Thank u for reading!Vote&Comment!

Till next time...

Yours Vicky~

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