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Tini's POV

"How are you so sure that he is not gonna leave you again?"

"I don't know... I just am okay? I can't explain it to myself either."

I can't describe how he made me feel. Butterflies in my stomach, my heart can't stop racing even after knowing him for so long. It's as if I see him for the first time, every time. How sweet and caring he is...

" I don't know Tini. I feel like, it's not going to end well."Lodo made a troubled expression to me.

I mean how could she not be worried? After last time. I would be too if the situation was vise versa.

"Lodo, I know you're worried but I can protect myself, I promise. Trust me, okay?"I give her a warn smile.

"Okay, but I still don't feel good about this."

I sigh as an answer.

"Let's just go to class."She says.

Third Person's POV

"And then I just laughed so hard because she was actually just talking about it. Is she a witch or something?"Tini laughed while walking with Jim hand in hand through the hallway.

He laughed with her."Oh my God. That has actually happened to me once too. It's so weird."They continued laughing together.

Jorge walked past them giving Jim a glare. And let me tell you if that glare could kill anyone, it would kill Jim in one second, max.

"Hey."Jim said grabbing Jorge's arm. "Don't look at me like that, got it? It's not my fault you fucked up."

"I will look at anyone when and however the fuck I want. And you don't know shit about me so you better shut that big mouth of yours. Got it?"He snaps back.

If anything both of the just looked like two angry dogs barking at each other.

"I've heard enough to make my own impression of who you clearly are."

"Okay listen up dude."Jorge mockingly says.

"You think I don't regret shit about everything I have done? You think I just like standing here trying to make sense with you just because I have nothing else better to do?"

Tini just sat there looking speechless."Okay. I admit that I did wanna play some kind of fucked up game, but I'm trying not to be like that anymore. And if nobody believes me then that's okay. That's absolutely fucking fine. Still doesn't change the fact that I know that i'm trying and that's enough for me."

He stole a glance to actually look at Tini for a moment. "I've got one last thing to say though."

"She's the most amazing girl in the world. The kindest heart to ever exist, even if I tried or did break her heart, she still is this amazing person so,"He turned to Jim."Do not mess this up or even make her cry you damn bastard. I did and trust me, it's gonna be my life long regret, you hear me?."He then turns and leaves.

Tini watched him leave. Her mind had stopped working, couldn't process what happened right that instant. She hasn't seen Jorge so, real before.

Did he just...

"Damn right I won't!"Jim yells.

Jorge didn't turn his head and just continued to disappear in the distance.



"Yes! Prom! Next Friday!"We both screamed and jumped.

"Wait. Next Friday? We don't have enough time!"Tini says.

"We must go shopping!"Lodo replies.

"Friday?"Tini suggested. "Friday."The black haired girl agrees and they start walking through the hallway to get home.

"You are going with Diego right?"

"Of course. You are going with Jo–Jim? Right?"

"Is it this difficult to forget that we were ever together?"Tini sighs.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to say it. It just slipped."

"It's okay Lodita. I know."She smiles at her.

"Anyways, what dress are you thinking of wearing?"

"I was thinking, something simple like a flower dress or something."

"Really? Come on Tini. It's prom we're talking about."

"Well I don't want anything fancy."

"So we will have something simple but stunning."

"Okay fine."Tini giggles. "What are you thinking?"

"I was thinking, something like a long dress."

"Ou la la. I love the way you think."Tini smirks.

"Thank you. I know."She flicks her hair and then laughs.

"I love you Lodo."Tini hugs her while still walking.

"I love you too idiot."She giggles.


Jorge's POV

That fucking jerk. I just wanna beat him till he can't move, kill him with my own hands. He doesn't know anything. How I felt when I saw her looking at me the day she found out. The disappointment, the anger. It was and still is a nightmare to remember.

End of Jorge's POV

"Jorge?"He hears that voice he desperately wanted to hear.

I know I said I won't talk to him again but... He said all those things and I can't just not say anything.

Jorge looked at her, his face lighted up just by looking at her.

She blushed.


"I just... I wanted to... You didn't need to say that to Jim. It was unnecessary and it could have been left unsaid. He's overprotective and he has every right to be afterI told him what happened."

"I understand. I would be too. If it came to you."She nodded and looked down at her feet. "That's all you wanted to say?"



"Well," She hesitated whether this is something that is right to say in this situationship that they are in right now. "I also wanted to thank you for saying all those things. About me."

She softened. Finally.

"It's really nothing. I just spoke from the heart. I meant every bit."He smiled sadly.

"Yeah..."She looked down again, awkwardly."Well, I will get going now." And then she walked away.

I wish you wouldn't though.

HEYYYY JELLY CUPCAKES! HOW ARE YA?!?! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND READS!BUT MOSTLY YOUR AMAZING COMMENTS!I know I said I was gonna update yesterday Yara but I didn't have the time to so;;


Till the next chapter...

Yours Vicky~

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