¢нαρтєя 10

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Tini's POV

When I heard what she said I froze.

Her face was wearing a very serious expression on it and that scared me more.

"What about him?"I managed to say.

"He–" She started saying but Lodo interrupted her.

"Tini! Come on. We are going to be late."She said and dragged me away.


"No buts. Come on."

"She wanted to tell me something Lodo."

"I don't care, and you better stay away from her."I stopped our tracks.


"She is Jorge's ex."

"She is Stephie?"

"Yes. And she will do anything to keep you away from him. Even if it means hurting you."

"Lodo you're creeping me out."

"Let's just go to class."


School was done for the day so I started walking home.

After a while I had a feeling I was being followed by someone. I turned around but nobody was there.

I continue walking a little faster this time. The next thing I knew I heard footsteps coming from behind me so I started running.

A person then grabbed me and I was about to scream for help when they covered my mouth.

With a little bit of a struggled I turned my head to at least see who this person was and I Jorge's face.

My immediate reaction was kicking him on the crotch. He let me go, groaning but also, laughing?

"Are you fucking crazy?!"He keept laughing. "Stop laughing!"

He eventually calms down.

"You should have seen your face Tinita. It was hilarious."

"You are a fucking crazy! Asshole."I say and walk away.

"Wait!Tini!"He runs after me.

"Leave me alone. And I am not going anywhere with you tonight. I wasn't planning to anyways."

"Okay then I will come by your house and if your parents are there then don't blame me if I get you trouble."

Crap. My parents will be at home.

"Fine. But please next time —which I am not sure if there will be a next time— can we go on a date that I am actually willing to go to?Not you threatening me?"

"Sure."He grins.


This was an accidentally published part at first.I will update the next as soon as i can!Thank u for your patience!Vote&Comment!

Till The Next Chapter....

Yours Vicky~

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