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Tini's POV

A day after the break up. What an asshole.

Weird thing is I don't feel like I did after my last break up. Empty, worthless and stupid.

Why am I not feeling like that again? I mean he cheated on me.

Not like that bothers me but the question needs to leave my head.

Was it because he didn't try to, rape me? Or because the whole school was on my side?

Ugh my head is hurting.

"Tini!"I heard Lodo's voice calling me.

My head escaped from the grip of my hands and turn to where her voice was coming from.

"Why are sitting like that? Does your head hurt?"

"Yes, I've been thinking so much that it's gonna explode at any minute."I say and again grab my head with my hands.

"What's bothering you?"

"Nothing is bothering me. I am just wondering something."I sigh. "Lodo, how come I don't feel even a little shit, after my break up."

"Maybe because you're strong Tini. You can handle anything."

"Not really."

"Oh please. Even if you tell me your worst weakness, I will still not believe the opposite of what I do now."

"Well, maybe it's time I tell you."

"Tell me what?"Her joyful face faded which was replaced by an worried one.

"I, I was almost going to get raped."Her eyes widen. "By my now ex."


"Just don't shout. Please."I say calmly.

"Okay. When? What? Are you okay?"

"A year ago. And well, I am better now. Than then at least."

"Oh my God Tini. I can't believe this happened. Do you want to talk about it more? We can totally not to if you don't feel comfortable."

"It's okay. I was blinded by fucking love I suppose."I sigh. "He just took me on a date as usual one night. Little did I know that he was planning on taking me to a filthy street's corner."

"What the actual hell?"

"Yeah. He tried to undress me and then he slapped me and make me comply."I looked at her and I already could see the pity she felt for me.

"What did you do then?"

"I just stood up and started running away. He chased me until we arrived at my house but never caught me luckily."

"What the fuck. And none of the people you passed by noticed you running?"

"No. I am sure they were wondering why but none of them actually stopped me and asked me if I needed any help."

"The world we live in is just, unbelievable."

"You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone."

"Of course, oh my God. I swear. Does anyone else know?"

"Well,"I murmured.

"Who else knows?"



"Lodo can you please not shout? Someone specific could hear."

"How did that happen?"

"I was wondering that too when I told him. But my doubts left me when we started dating and stuff."

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