¢нαρтєя 49

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The date is December the nineteenth. Almost Christmas, the weather was cold and also Jorge's birthday.

Tini of course has planned everything since the previous week. She wanted to make everything perfect just for him. Perfect is what he deserves after everything he had done for her and the way he makes her feel.

Jorge on the other hand is aware that Tini was absolutely planning something. Since he knows how much she loves him and that's just the kind of person she is. Always thoughtful.

Of course he doesn't know what exactly she was planning and he for sure never snooped into it but he knows he is gonna love it.

He didn't tell Tini that he knew she was planning something, of course. Thats rule number one for surprises. Never ruin the element of surprise. He just hopes he's a really good actor.

Tini's POV

I had been planning this for over a week now. I still need some little extra things to finish making it perfect. Because it's absolutely what we're looking for.

I'm know he is aware that I am planning something. I know him too well and so does he, so it's pointless to try and hide the fact that I am not planning anything.

I am not planning anything too fancy, since I know Jorge wouldn't like that, it is something simple but also special. School break also started a bit earlier which was perfectly convenient for us.

As soon as the doorbell rang I ran to him with all my love and affection and waited for his reaction at my, may I say, beautiful setting.

The house actually has a fireplace which me and my dad never use, so what more perfect and romantic than a night sitting in front of the fireplace?

We were sitting on the floor covered with a blanket and two mugs of hot chocolate in front of us, just enjoying silly conversation. Which happens to be, baby names.

"Are we really discussing about our 'future babies'?"I narrow my eyes at him.

"Don't air quote them, they might hear and get upset."

"Really? I'm seriously gonna face palm my head so hard my brain might leave my scull."

"Oh come on, Daniel is a good name."

"I'm not continuing this conversation."

"Tini!"He whined stretching the 'i'.

"No Jorge."I said taking a sip of my hot chocolate only for Jorge take it off my hands and place it next to him.

He smoothly turns to me in a matter of seconds and before I know it, I am pinned on the floor with Jorge on top of me.

"What if I told you I want babies like, right now?"

"W—what?" I am a complete stuttering and my cheeks are so red I am starting to feel thankful for the fireplace in front of me.

"You know, have boy or a girl together." He says softly and pushes a strand of my hair behind my ear.

He's looking at me like I came down from the sky and gave him a bucket full of stars. He looks so beautiful and the fire does him so much justice. He eyes look almost golden. I gulp. This is too much.

He leans down and presses his lips with mine. It's a peck mostly and then moves away and looks at me with those eyes again.

God if only he knew how much I feel for him. My emotions are like crashing waves every time. I force my head up and lean in to him to connect our lips again.

This time it's a hungry kiss. Much more passion and he gives in to me immediately, following my lead. I push him off and slowly start lifting my body up, all whilst never disconnecting our lips as I start straddling him.

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