A Couple of Werewolves Ready to Start a Fight! (9)

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I love all your guesses and they inspired me to update early ;)




Valerie and I were laughing our asses off on the floor. Tears were coming out of my eyes. This was one of our best schemes. We pulled it off in a record time too!

Someone cleared their throat. "Well if it isn't Thing 1 and Thing 2 causing mischief"

I instantly tensed up and I saw Valerie started to get nervous. I jolted up, pulling Val with me and pushing her behind my back.

In front of us, there was a man. I've never seen him before. He looked like he was around 40. He held an angry expression on his face.

I'm sure I had the same expression on mine. He was scaring Valerie!

"You two caused so much trouble. You're coming with me" He barked.

"Wait! Who are you? For all we know, you could be a kidnapper or a rapist. So we'll stay here. Thank you" I countered.

He growled. "You interrupted a whole hospital! Surgeries were put on hold. People keep slipping! Children were getting scared-"

I scoffed. "Children? You mean like the kids over there, who are right now, laughing and having fun" I pointed out.

He glared at me, then turned his attention to Valerie. "Well, who do we have here?"

"A couple of werewolves ready to start a fight" I growled.

He growled back. "Get 'em boys"

I felt a sharp pain on my head then darkness surrounded me. Not again..



"Jeremy, this is too much work!" I complained to my beta.

He chuckled. "What?" I asked.

"Peyton was just telling me about an incident that just happened at the hospital through mindlink" He explained.

I tensed up. Valerie and Dustin were in the hospital too! Please don't be hurt in any way!

"What happened?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Well, apparently, some girl and guy decided to mess with the hospital's control center to put music blaring through the hospital, bubbles everywhere, and disco lights showing. They got caught and taken away" He spoke nonchalantly.

"Do they know their names or anything?" I asked.

Jeremy waited a moment before responding. "Nope. They were taken because they were rogues causing chaos to our pack. They were taken to our dungeon"

"Fuck this paperwork! I want to see who got on my land and caused problems at the hospital where my m-pack is healing!" I declared. I almost said mate. I haven't told anyone yet. Not even my mom. I'm not ashamed or anything. It's just.. she hasn't accepted me yet. Partially because she doesn't talk. Shit. I don't even think she knows my name?!

Jeremy and I walked out of my office and headed to the dungeon.

There I caught the familiar scent of my mate... and blood.


What do you think happened in the dungeon?

Who do you think is injured?

Who was the man that took Dustin and Valerie?
Hint: He's related to Damien and a part of his pack.

Expect an update either today or tommorrow

Bye loveliesss☠

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