End My Pain or I'll End You (16)

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Two. Fucking. Weeks. We still haven't found anything! No sign of Valerie anywhere!

I grabbed the nearest thing and threw it against the wall and started punching holes until my knuckles were bloody and bruised.

My mate rushed in and stopped me from punching again. She grabbed both of my hands and kissed each of my knuckles. "Baby, please, please, don't do this to yourself" She cried.

"How can I not? If I was a better brother, she would be here. If I was a better brother, she wouldn't be out there, probably dying or completely lost!" I yelled. I felt my wolf coming out. I took deep breaths to calm myself.

Sarah pulled me in to a hug. I nuzzled my face into her neck and breathed her scent. It made my wolf calm down. "Look. We'll find her. She'll be safe, healthy, and happy. And then, we can live happily ever after" She reassured.

I felt my legs give out and I fell on the floor. I felt hot tears threatening to fall. "Sarah. What do I do? She was my best friend! My sister! Why does everything bad happen to her? I'm such a bad brother" I cried as the tears betrayed me and raced down my cheek. I buried my face into her neck.

I'm such a failure brother. I'm supossed to look after her and protect her, but she slipped out of my fingers. I couldn't help her when she needed me most.

"Baby. What can I do to help you? It's breaking my heart seeing you like this" Sarah admitted while stroking my hair and wiping away my tears.

"I dont know.. I got to find my sister" I answered.


I'm leaning against the oven in the kitchen and glaring at Damien who was sitting on a stool eating a Poptart. Over and over again, people keep going up to him and giving him their sympathy for their Luna's absence. It's sick! He's the reason that she's gone!

After another pack member came up to Damien, I cracked. I huffed and stormed into the backyard where a handful of pack members are.

"Listen Up!" I shouted. The handful of pack members gave me their attention while a few curious ones came over.

"You guys are soo sad for your Alpha ever since Valerie left, but did you ever wonder why she left? Why she ran away?" I yelled. The pack members looked at me confused.

Suddenly, Damien bursted through the door and walked into the backyard, "Dustin, enough!" He warned.

I shook my head. "It's because of HIM! Your precious, heartbroken Alpha cheated on Valerie with another wolf. He even marked her" I admitted coldly.

Damien was shaking with anger while the pack members looked at him with angry and hurt expressions. "DUSTIN I SAID ENOUGH!" He screamed.


Next thing I knew, Damien tackled me and started punching the shit out of me. I didn't take his hits for long. I flipped us over so I had the upperhand and started punching him in the face.

"Dustin? Dustin! Stop!" I heard a female voice command. I knew that voice anywhere : my mate. She touched my arm and the familiar sparks shot up my arm and calmed me down.

"Please stop" She whispered.

I got off of Damien. He looked at me in pure fury and jealousy. Ha! He wished he had what I had. I grabbed Sarah's hand and led her away from that failure.



I have been having nonstop "memories" going through my head. Some are good and some arent.

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