Valerie, please be okay (19)

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I could hear the vicious growls outside the bunker I was in. There were many bunkers that were spread out. I was in a bunker with Sierra and a few young girls that couldn't be older than 10.

It's sad to think that their parents are out there fighting.

Sierra squeezes my hand tighter when we hear the snarls and growls getting closer and louder.

One of the girls started crying and she fell on her knees. "M-my p-p-parents are d-dead" She stuttered.

My heart went out to her as I ran to her and held her in my arms. I was stroking her hair and whispering comforting words when the lock on the door broke and the door slammed open. Two big, buff guys walked in like they're the shit with blood all over them.

"Is there a Valerie in here?" Buff guy #1 asked roughly. I let out a whimper because I was scared shitless.

They knew I was here.

"I know she's in here. Come out, Valerie before we kill this whole pack!" Buff guy #2 threatened.

I let out a shaky breath and was about to stand up when I was pushed down hard.

I turned around and saw Sierra slowly standing up. A tear slipped out of her eye while some were slipping out mine.

"I am Valerie" Sierra lied. She kept a strong guarded face as she walked up to the rogues.

Buff guy #1 looked at her up and down. While Buff guy #2 didn't even look at her.

Suddenly, Buff guy #2 stabbed Sierra in the stomach with a strange-looking dagger. Sierra cried out in pain.

Buff guy #2 growled "Do you think we're stupid, pup?! We've seen her before and you don't look a thing like her"

Then Buff guy #1 grabbed Sierra and held the dagger to her neck. "Better come out here, Valerie! Or your little pack member dies!"

I breated a shaky breath while I stood up. I walked into their direction. "Don't hurt her" I croaked.

"Ahhh.. The famous Valerie shows face. Sorry for the damage, princess. We need you" Buff guy #2 teased.

Buff guy #1 dropped Sierra on floor and I ran to her. Buff guy #1 threw me over his shoulder.

"Take her to the van, Brad" Buff guy #2 ordered.

"Yes Keith" He answered.

He ran out of the bunker and into the woods while I was pounding on his back.

He tripped over a log because he was focusing on my hits. "Goddammit" He muttered.

Then, I slammed into a tree with Brad's face really close to mine. "I know things, princess. Everyone does. I know the reason you can't speak and I know who you really are" I looked deep into his eyes. All I saw was raw anger and amusement.

"You're confused about how I know you, huh? Well get a clue because there's more of us. People want you and your power. Be careful, sweetheart" Brad explained. I struggled against him because he was creepy. I slapped him and he became really angry.

"You know, Boss said to not hurt you, but you're getting on my nerves, princess" He snarled before punching me in the face and kicking me in the rib. I fell on the floor as tears streamed down my face.

The rogue screamed in pain. Next thing I saw was the rogue laying dead next to his heart.

I screamed in shock and covered my mouth as a shaky sob escaped. What the hell? What just happened?!

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