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Thank you to Sapphire4603 for the awesome cover!!!

I looked out at the people standing in front of where I sat on the bench. None of them knew. They didn't know that I froze over here everyday to draw them and sell the pictures so I could have money for my sister's.

I needed this money. Scarlet needed it. Alice needed it. They both needed it or they would die. These sketches kept us alive. These sketches are helping me get money for the medication that they need. I starve some days just so they can get better, so they can eat.

Since we left our mother eight years ago we've been in worse shape than we were living with her. Our mother was crazy. Literally crazy.

Before we left she tried to kill me, resulting in me getting shot and Alice killing her.

I glanced up at them then back down at my sketchbook. They didn't know me. Those rich people didn't even know my name. I was just Heaven. I was called Heaven because of my real name Heavenly.

These people would never know me. I would just be that frail weak girl that sketched them everyday. The poor girl that almost froze to death every single day.

I jumped as a man sat next to me. His dark black hair had snow in it and his eyes were green. He looked down at my sketch. I didn't dare look up.

"Ah we got an artist in this pitiful town." He said. I ignored him and continued to sketch. "Ignoring me are we?" He asked. "Trying to." I responded taking a glance at him. He smirked. "Don't do that and let people see your face. I'm sure it's beautiful." He gently grabbed my face and made me look at him.

I looked back down. "Do I at least get a name?" He asked. "My real name is Heavenly but call me Mia." I told him. He gave a nod. "Ash." I gave a nod turning back to sketching.

I needed to finish this sketch. They relied on me for this medicine. They relied on me for money not only for the medicine but for rent, food. After this dose they would get better and we wouldn't starve and I wouldn't look like I was thirteen instead of eighteenteen. I could look my age.

"I think I'll call you Heavenly though. You have just enough Heaven in your eyes." That was a new one. I've never heard anyone say that to me before.

"Heaven, quit talking and do what we're paying you for." One of the women came over to me and said her voice bitter. I gave a nod looking down at my sketch. "Yes, Miss Baker. Sorry." I apologized finishing what I could of the sketch before Ash started to talk to me again.

"Stop. I need to work. I need the money or else I'll be on my own." I whispered. Ash didn't say anything for a few minutes watching me sketch.

I stood up abruptly after finishing my sketch and walked over toward the crowd of people and handed them the sketch. One of the ladies smiled and handed me some money.

I gave a nod in thanks and walked back over to the bench and grabbed my bag. I avoided eye contact with Ash. I didn't want to know him.


"I'm home." I said walking into the small house and closing the door, locking the locks. Alice rolled over on her bed and looked at me. "Hey. We only need one more sketch to be sold and we can get the last dose." I told her. Alice gave a nod.

She was getting worse. She was paler than when I left. "Check on Scarlet. She hasn't said anything in a while." Alice said. I gave a nod walking over to my younger sister's bed and looking at her. She was still alive but she had broken out into a sweat.

"Hey sweetie." I greeted my younger sister as she woke up. I stroked her hair away from her face. "I only need to do one more sketch and I can get the medication." Scarlet gave a nod.

I walked over to the sink and ran water over a rag before placing it on Scarlet's head. She needed to get her fever down or she would die. She needed this medicine.

After a few minutes Scarlet fell asleep again and I sat there watching her and Alice. I rarely ever slept. I needed to stay awake and watch them. If they die I die. I can't live without my sister's. I can't be alone. No. I don't want to be alone.

Hiya. So I suck at doing story details so yeah. This story is going to have some abuse in it in later chapters. I'm a victim of abuse when I was younger so before all ya haters start know that there's some of us that know what's it like to be abused.

- Cricket

A Broken Piece | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now