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I walked into the cabin and put the beer case on the table where Ash instantly came in and grabbed a bottle.

"Took you long enough." He muttered taking a drink as I went over and sat on the couch.

I looked at the TV and instantly felt a wave of sickness come over me at the movie Ash had playing on TV.

I covered my mouth with my hand before running to the bathroom and throwing up. Every little thing anymore made me sick.

I unzipped my jacket, slipping it off before throwing up again. I kept throwing up until it seemed like I had emptied my entire stomach.

I sat back against the wall and wiped the vomit off my face before Ash came in, eyes instantly going to my stomach.

Ash stalked over to me, yanking me up roughly before going into the living room, throwing me to the floor.

"How did that happen?!?!" Ash screamed motioning to my stomach. I sat up, moving against the couch, putting my arms around my stomach to protect my unborn children.

"You happened. That night that you forced me to drink then raped me. Well this is the result damn it! You got your eighteen year old girlfriend knocked up with not one but two children!" I screamed, standing up but I knew I would regret it.

Ash shoved me backwards so that I was flung over the couch, landing on the coffee table causing it to break.

Ash stalked out of the room, going back to the bedroom and slamming the door shut. I could hear him lock the door, keeping me from getting in.

I sat up, wincing as every muscle and bone in my body screamed in agony. Getting up, I walked over and laid down on the couch, trying my damned hardest to sleep but my body clearly wanted the opposite.

A Broken Piece | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now