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I fixed my ear buds that were in my ears blaring music.

"Hey. What're you doing up?" I heard Ash's voice.

"I couldn't sleep so I decided to cook." I told Ash taking the ear buds out of my ears.

Ash smiled as I turned around wrapping my arms around his neck.

He kissed me on the lips before pulling back. He grabbed my iPod, taking the earbuds out of it and playing the music I was listening to, Mercy by Shawn Mendes.

"You're a lot cuter now that we're dating." He told me kissing me again.

"I'm not cute." I told him. "Yes you are." Ash smirked. "Okay maybe a little."

Ash smiled and kissed me.

I am so in love with him.

He's amazing.

Ash looked at my shoulder. I looked at the scar he was looking at.

"What happened?" He asked. "When I left my mom I got shot. Alice saved me." I told Ash.

Ash kissed me once again and I smiled.

He was amazing.

He makes me feel like I'm a person and not just a blood sucking demon creature.

Things like vampires never happened here in Martian. Hell, the most that ever happened in this town was that a woman would be killed or found dead.

You never hear of a person being turned into a vampire or anything because it doesn't happen.

Although, with what happened to us we weren't full vampires yet, well me anyways. Ash was born a vampire while I was born a human.

There was a chance that I could be turned back into a human. If I was to turn back into a human it would be more pain than being turned into one but I can't keep this up. I can't keep drinking blood.

If I just don't drink human blood than I can be normal again. If I just drink animal blood I can be a human again one day. I would suffer through any pain just so I could be a human again.

A Broken Piece | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now