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I looked at Ash as he walked back into the room with a bottle of beer. He gestured it to me and I shook my head.

"No thanks. I don't drink." I told Ash. "I wasn't asking." He grabbed hold of me and pushed the bottle up to my mouth forcing me to drink it.

I tried to force the drink away from my mouth but it didn't work. Ash was alot bigger and alot stronger than I am. He stands at least six foot while I'm just merely five foot two inches.

"Stop fighting and drink the damn thing." Ash said, forcing the alcohol down my throat.

Beer wasn't as bad as what I thought.

Ash smiled as I took another drink this time not being forced. He walked into the kitchen and came back with another bottle.

I drank more of the beer before Ash handed me another and I drank it.

"If this is what being drunk is like it's awesome." I said laughing. Ash laughed putting a bottle down on the side table.

"You know that being drunk is awesome." Ash said. He smiled, kissing me before we each took another drink of beer.

I laughed as Ash picked me up before walking into the bedroom dropping onto the bed with me.

He kissed my neck, trying to unbutton my shirt but I tried to push his hands away.

"Ash, no. Stop it." I said, pushing my hands against his shoulders to get him off me.

"Relax and quit fighting." Ash whispered, tearing the shirt from my back.

That's when I realized the true man that Ash was. He stopped being Mister Perfect and became someone I never wanted to know.

A Broken Piece | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now