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I sat cross-legged on the bed as I talked to Colin. Since I killed Ash Colin was one of the only people I talked to. He was one of the only people who didn't look as me as though I was carrying the demon's child.

I had decided on names for them a few days ago. Sam for the boy and Astrid for the girl.

Colin laughed at the show we had turned on TV. "Oh my god. I never thought TV could get any funnier." Colin and I laughed.

I grabbed my stomach as a pain shot through it. "You okay?" Colin asked, hand on my shoulder. "My stomach is cramping up a bit."

"That's the fourth one, Mia. Maybe I should get Wren." Colin refused to let me give an answer. He stood up quickly, helping me stand up before walking toward the tower where Wren stayed at.

Wren was considered a medic here in the Blood Coven. She was a vampire but one of the only people who knew anything about medicine.

Colin opened the door to Wren's quarters who immediately ran over, grabbing my other arm and helping me onto the medical table.

Each passing minute more pain stabbed at my stomach. Colin held my hand as I crushed his fingers. "I don't have any pain killers left or I would give them to you. I'm sorry, Mia." Wren said, rubbing my arm in an attempt to calm me down.

Suddenly the pain increased drastically to the point my body went dumb. "W- Wren. I can't feel anything. It's all numb." Wren quickly stood up and came over to me, lifting my shirt up, revealing a giant bruise on my side.

"Mia, did you fall?" Wren asked me. I had to think for a moment before nodding. "I tripped over something in my room the other day. Is something wrong with the babies?" I asked Wren.

"There might be. I can't tell yet until they are here." Wren told me. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I went over every possible thing that could go wrong.

One of them could be born dead. One of them could have a health disorder than affects them their whole life. They could both be born dead.

"They can't die. They can't die." I cried, starting to feel the room shake. I wasn't even thinking about anything else. I just thought of my babies being born dead.

"What the hell?!" Colin said before both him and Wren were launched back against the wall, sticking to it as the room continued to shake.

I used my body to cover my stomach, protecting them incase the roof caved in. Thankfully it didn't.

Wren and Colin both dropped to the ground, Colin immediately running back over to me and grabbing my hand once again.

I seen the glow coming from my skin reflected in his eyes but I couldn't think about that right now because they were almost here.

A Broken Piece | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now