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Soren smiled as he gently held Sam. He had fallen in love with these kids the minute he seen them.

Truly though I don't know who was in love more. Colin or Soren. They both loved my children to the moon and back. I chuckled as Soren laughed.

"Damn. That kid has a killer grip." Soren said, handing Sam back to me who I put back in his crib.

"What are you going to do when they're older and ask who their dad is? Will you tell them?" Soren asked. I shook my head.

"They'll never know who their real father is. Colin is going to be their dad. He's agreed to be here for my children and be their father." I told Soren.

"What about your powers? Have you had anymore flashes?" Soren asked. "Yeah. I had one the other day but it wasn't a big one."

I was the first witch and vampire hybrid. There have been many hybrids but never a witch and vampire one.

Blood Coven didn't have many witches, just me and about three others. They also didn't have very many children around. There were Sam and Astrid and one other child but that was it.

Colin came in and came over, kissing me before going over to the crib and picking Astrid up. Colin and I were to be married as soon as I was feeling better.

In the Blood Coven, the first born of the leader was to marry by the age of twenty one and Colin was approaching that age in just six months. He had decided for me to be his mate. Another shocker, a vampire and werewolf had never been together in the Blood Coven before.

"Mia, there will be people coming for your powers soon. They will want to take the powers that you wield and turn them into something much different than what they are meant for. Your children may also wield the same powers and hold the same danger. We'll figure out a plan to protect them but it may not last long. One day you'll be on your own with this and have to fend for yourself." Soren told me.

"They won't break me that easily. I'll figure out a way to protect them all somehow..."

A Broken Piece | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now