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His hands hit me again and again until I was nearly unconscious.

Each time he hit me anymore it was anger unlike before when he hit me just to hit me. He was angry at me for something that wasn't even my fault.

It wasn't my fault he had raped me. He was the one that did that, not me.

Ash stood up and walked into the bedroom, leaving the door open this time. He forced me to sleep in the bedroom so he could do that to me because I was powerless against him. I couldn't fight him and he knew it.

I stood up and limped back to the bedroom as he ordered me back there. Anymore I could barely walk as his hits came barreling down on me.

Ash stood impatiently at the door, waiting for me to get back there before closing and locking the door.

Ash immediately turned around and threw me onto the bed. I had learned at this point not to fight back. Everytime I fought back he would hit me and just do what he wanted more.

Once Ash did what he wanted, he let me up and go into the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom. I quickly grabbed my shirt, slipping it back on before going into the bathroom, closing and locking the door before I did what I did every time he did that.

I picked the blade up, dragging it across my wrist and let the blood flow down it before I eventually bandaged it up, changed and went into the bedroom to go to sleep.

I walked into the bedroom and noticed that Ash was already asleep. I couldn't do this anymore. I had to leave. I walked over to the closet, putting on anything that I had that would fit me before glancing over at Ash. I quickly put the hoodie on, glancing back to see he was sitting up in bed now.

Without thinking I took off running out of the bedroom, making it clear to the kitchen before Ash grabbed me.

Ash threw me to the floor, grabbing a steak knife from the drawer and handing it to me. "The only way you leave here is in a casket " Ash said. My body racked with sobs as he screamed at me. Taking the knife from me, Ash threw it onto the counter and walked back into the bedroom leaving me to sit there and cry.

A Broken Piece | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now