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I walked into the kitchen and looked at Ash who was sitting at the table drinking a glass of blood.

"Hey." I said coming over and sitting next to him.

"Hi, Heavenly." He greeted me kissing me softly.

"Thanks for staying with me the last few nights." I said. Ash smiled. "You're welcome. I don't like you being alone anyways. I don't want anything to happen to you."

I smiled kissing Ash. I walked over and Ash put me onto his lap. I leaned back against Ash and smiled as he kissed me.

"You're never going to have to be alone again. I'll be here. I'll never ever hurt you or let anyone hurt you." Ash told me kissing me once again.


"I promise."

Ash's head snapped towards the door quickly and he stood up. "Hurry. Get your things. Someone's coming." Ash said, running into our bedroom with me and throwing our clothes into two bags, handing one to me before taking one for himself.

Ash grabbed my wrist and ran to the window, getting us both out just as the front door burst open.

"Damn it!" Someone inside cursed. "He's not here!" I looked up at Ash who pressed his finger to his lips telling me to be quiet.

Footsteps led back out the door and Ash grabbed my arm, taking off running towards the woods.

"We need to find somewhere else to stay. We can't go back there." Ash told me. "Explanation now." I told Ash, my voice stern.

"I got into some trouble when I was younger. My real name isn't Ash. It's Benjamin. I... I killed someone a few years back. A woman. I didn't mean to kill her. It happened before I could stop myself. I needed blood. I was starting to go crazy without it. I killed her and they've been after me ever since." I looked at Ash, not giving anything away through expression.

Damn it. No matter where I go I always seem to end up with a bloody murderer.

I continued to walk beside Ash, not saying a word until I seen a cabin.

"Stay out here until I make sure it's safe." Ash told me, walking inside and coming out after about ten minutes.

"It's clear." Ash said, opening the door for me to walk in. The cabin wasn't big but at the same time wasn't small. The living room held a couch, TV, bookshelf, and a coffee table.

"I can't believe there's no one that lives here." I said, walking around the cabin.

"Yeah well we got lucky. Let's unpack some." Ash said, walking back to the bedroom and putting the bags on the bed, starting to put everything away.

Once we unpacked, I walked into the kitchen, looking through the cabinets and fridge. There was still electric and food in the cabinets.

I may be a vampire but I still needed food and that's what we have enough of. We have enough to survive....

A Broken Piece | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now