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Each minute that passed now I felt free. Ash was dead. I had my freedom back. He couldn't hit me or make me do anything ever again. His rule over me was over.

I was now part of the Blood Coven, the coven which everyone knew of. This was the Coven everyone feared. We were stronger than most other coven's and definitely outnumbered them by many.

I walked down a hallway with Colin as he took me to what would be my room here. He unlocked a door to a room that was bigger than needed for one person.

"Here's your room. When you have the babies we'll get some stuff in here for them. If you ever need anything I'm right across the hall." Colin said. I gave a nod before he left.

Out of habit, I locked the door. I wasn't used to not being ordered around all the time. I walked over to the bed and took off my shoes before laying down.

I was due in just barely a few days to a week and it couldn't come any sooner. I was ready for them to be here so I could stop worrying about them. I just keep thinking there's something wrong with them and I can't stop thinking it because bad things happen to people around me.

I must have dosed off for a while because I didn't even hear Wren knocking on the door to my room until she hit it hard. I jolted up and went over to open the door for her. "Sorry. I fell asleep." Wren gave me a slight smile.

"Dinner's almost ready. Colin wants you to sit with us tonight. Are you ready?" Wren asked. "Yeah. Give me a second to get my shoes and stuff on." I went over and quickly slipped my converse on and put my jacket on.

We walked down to the cafeteria and Wren directed me to sit with Colin and their father who ran the Blood Coven, Soren.

Colin jumped up quickly when we walked toward the table, pulling a chair out for me and pushing it in once I sat down.

"This is the one that killed Benjamin?" Soren asked. Colin nodded. "Well," Soren said. "Looks like you just became my favorite person in this room." I gave Soren a slight smile as Wren came over with a tray with glasses containing blood.

"Don't worry. It's animal blood." Colin whispered to me as I picked the glass up. "So you're the badass pregnant girl that fought my son off in the woods?" Soren asked, taking a drink. I nodded.

"Damn," Soren exclaimed. "You are such a badass." I chuckled a little, taking a drink from my own glass.

We finished off the blood and talked some more before I went back to my room, once again locking the door when I got back there.

I don't know what it was but I just couldn't stand the door not being locked. It scared me to have it unlocked like something was going to come in here and kill me and my babies. I couldn't take chances, though. If I felt I had to lock the door than I'm gonna kick the damn door.

A Broken Piece | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now