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I woke up and walked into the living room where Ash was watching TV. I came over and quietly jumped on the couch beside him.

I turned toward him and seen the collection of bottles beside him.

His breath smelt of alcohol and it was obvious he was drunk. He turned to me as if he had just noticed I was there.

"Get me another beer." Ash ordered. "Get it your bloody self. I'm not your maid." I told him, the British accent I have lacing my every word.

Ash turned to me and did the thing I never in a million years thought he would do. He slapped me.

I winced as his hand came in contact with my face. "Go get me a damn beer!" Ash yelled. I quickly stood up and got him another beer.

Ash opened the bottle and took a drink as I sat on the farthest end of the couch, watching him nervously.

He finished the bottle within ten minutes and ordered me to get him another but the thing is there were no more.

"I have to go get more. I'll be back later." I told Ash, picking my jacket up and putting it on before I left.


The bell on the door chimed as I walked in. The man, who helped practically raise me and Scarlet stood behind the counter as I made my way up to him.

"Mia. I haven't seen you in forever. Where you been?" Joseph asked, leaning on the counter.

"Oh you know. Around. I need a uh twelve pack of beer please." I told Joseph, looking up at him.

Joseph grabbed the twelve pack and rang it up. "Since when do you drink?" Joseph asked as I paid.

The only response I could think of was that it wasn't me drinking it. It wasn't me drinking anyways. Ash was drinking this shit. Not me.

"Since now." I responded, grabbing the pack and leaving.

I wasn't going to keep doing shit for Ash. If we wanted the damn beer he can get off his ass and go get it.


I walked in the cabin and put the beer on the table. "I got your damn beer." I told him, walking over to the couch and watching what he had turned on TV.

"What is this?" I asked Ash, motioning to the TV. "Dunno. Some show about killers."

I watched the show for a bit. I couldn't take anymore of it when I seen one of the people in the show kill another. I quickly stood up and walked back into the bedroom, doing anything but watch that god damned killer show.

A Broken Piece | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now