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Darnell sat in the car outside of his niece and his son's daycare, staring at the card that Akiya gave him. He knew he needed an outlet to get out all of his pain that he's feeling about Mya's death and boxing may be a good way to get all his feelings out in a way that won't harm anyone. 

He shook his head and finally started driving towards the boxing gym. As he was driving he realized how familiar the area looked. He realized that it was the same place he used to play ball at. It was right next to the Sports Garden. I wonder how I never knew this was a boxing gym, Darnell thought. 

He parked his car wherever he could find a spot. His gym bag was in his trunk, so he opened his trunk and got the bag. He was off today so he knew he needed something to do. 

Darnell walked into the gym and realized how it really looked like a boxing gym. It had a big boxing ring in the middle, punching bags everywhere, treadmills with punching bags above. It was sort of dark inside of the gym, the only light that was available was the sunlight that shone through the windows. 

Damn, this looks hardcore as fuck, Darnell thought. He shook his head and chuckled. "And there he is" A familiar voice said. He looked around and saw Akiya walking towards him. He choked on his spit that he was mid-swallowing when he saw Akiya walking towards him. 

He knew she was thick when he saw her during the therapist session a few days ago, but damn, he thought. The workout outfit she had on today did her justice. 

*Akiya's workout outfit in the MM*

"I thought you weren't going to show up. I had a few people who decided on not showing up before" Akiya stated. 

"What did you do when they didn't show?" Darnell asked, curiously. 

"We spent that therapy session here. I was not playing. And by the end, they were thanking me. Even the people who said that they weren't into activities so active and rough, they loved this. I think about 4 or 5 of my previous clients are here right now"

"Wow, I see you know what you're doing" Darnell complimented her. Akiya smiled and playfully flipped her hair over her shoulder. 

"Well, I mean you know" Akiya said, making both of them laugh. "Let's go and get you started" Akiya said as she grabbed his hand and led him to the front desk.

Akiya and Darnell liked the way their hands felt as they were together. Akiya didn't mean to grab his hand, she meant to grab his wrist. She tried to let go of his hand, but Darnell just held on tighter. 

It was obvious to Akiya, that Darnell was feeling her. She could tell by the way he was staring at her when he saw her. Akiya didn't know him too well to be fully into him, she just liked his physical appearance at the moment along with his vibe. 

Akiya got Darnell set up with his free trial and they began to get ready to start boxing. "Is your brother here?" Darnell asked as he sat down while Akiya was wrapping his hands. As she was wrapping his hands, he felt the softness of her hands and loved the feeling of them constantly touching. 

"No, actually he's not. He's in Atlanta getting another gym set up there. I have no appointments today so I told him that I'll run it for the first half of the day and then my brother, Aston will take over for the rest of the day. I have to check on my store" Darnell nodded. He didn't know that Akiya had so many brothers actually. 

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