Thursday is UPDATE DAY

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I'm so sorry. I don't even know how long it's been since I've last updated, but I'm positive it's been a few months. 

During the end of summer, I had a brain fart and I didn't know what else to write. And that brain fart continued on for a veerrryyy long time... Let's say 2 months and some change. 

These past few weeks, Earanequa has been ALL over my Tumblr. I have no idea why to be honest. She must be a tag that I follow on there, I have to check that. Because I might add some more. But yeah, and I'm a universe listener... Don't judge. 

So I'm thinking... maybe Mama Nature is telling to me to go back to writing. Because I do miss it. I really do!

I've made a decision. Thursdays are my new update days. They are the only days that I truly have off. I can't do weekends, because I'm constantly busy. Either I'm with friends or I'm doing homework, usually it's friends lmao... Don't judge. Oh and my dad's internet is acting up, and I don't have time for it. 

I apologize to my loyal readers, I hope y'all haven't given up on me. 

So I'm going to start back writing and I hope y'all still hanging with me. I'll see y'all Thursday!


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