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"Goodnight baby doll" Mercy whispered as she kissed her daughter on her forehead. Marjae wanted Mercy to lay with her while she fell asleep, she's a momma's girl. Zion fell asleep during bath time, so Mercy just lotioned and dressed him for bed and put him in his crib.

Mercy peeked into Zion's room and made sure that he was asleep before taking care of herself. Just like she thought, he was dead asleep. She went to her bedroom and began to get herself ready for bed.

Her night time routine didn't take long because she wanted to hurry up and go to bed, since she had to go to work tomorrow morning. She had a very early appointment with a client. After her night time routine she got her outfit ready for tomorrow, like she always does.

She made sure that whatever she put out for herself to wear, the kids also had similar things to match.

Going into the kid's room, she laid out their outfits for the morning and headed downstairs to get a late night snack. Looking in the refrigerator, all she found appealing at the moment were green grapes. Grabbing a vine of grapes and a bowl, she began to snack away at the grapes.

About four grapes in, Mercy heard her phone going off upstairs. It was a mixture of the iPhone call ringtone and the ding sound to indicate that she had received a text message.

As she was about to go upstairs to go retrieve her phone, the doorbell rang. "Oh hell no, there is just too much going on right now. Who the hell is this?" Mercy said to herself. She grew annoyed at the chaos of sounds going on in her home. Deciding to see who was at her door, she got on her tippy toes and looked through the peep hole.

It was exactly who she thought it would be. Anthony. He was wearing a pair of Adidas track pants, Adidas slides and a basic tee that outlined his muscles very well. "What do you want Anthony?" She said through the door. He didn't respond. She knew he heard her because of the facial expressions he made when she said something.

"I'm not opening this door until you tell me what it is you want"

"Man stop playing, I came here to talk to you and see what your issue is. Open this door" Mercy sighed and decided to open the door. When she did, he shook his head at her and took his slides off before heading to the kitchen. Mercy closed and locked the door behind him.

Following him into the kitchen, Mercy found him sitting on the island eating the bowl of grapes she set out for herself. Instead of making a deal out of it, she just got her another vine of grapes and a bowl. She didn't want to be in his presence, so she just took her snack and went upstairs.

He didn't follow her immediately. Anthony finished his bowl of grapes and put the bowl in the sink and then went upstairs to her bedroom.

He closed her bedroom door behind him and sat on her bed next to her. "You know how I feel about outside clothes on my bed"

"And you know how I feel about being ignored" He retorted back as he watched her scroll through her phone, ignoring his presence. Growing tired of her attitude, he snatched her phone out of her hand and put it in his pocket before she could grab it back from him.

"Yo what the fuck?" She said as she sat up to look at him. He didn't respond so she rolled her eyes. "What is there to talk about?"
"Well for one, why did you ignore my text messages and calls when I went out to lunch with Leilani?" She just stared at him with a blank stare that he couldn't read.

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