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Thanksgiving week: Day 2: November 22, 20XX

"Why are you here Del'Monte? You said you weren't 'mother material'" Darnell said as he walked past Del'Monte while looking at her with a look of disgust.

She looked disheveled with her hair in a wild, untamed state that appeared to be tangled. The shoes she wore on her feet were dirty and you could see her big toe clearly. Her shirt was ratty  and linty. Pants had holes in them, that didn't look to be distressed before she bought them. And she had bruises on her body.

"I need some help"

"Get off my property" Darnell said as he opened the door to his house and slammed it in Del'Monte's face. She kept ringing the door bell, causing Trell to stir in Darnell's arms. 

Darnell sighed and set his son in his bed. Mercy already bathed him and put him in his pajamas, so all Darnell had to do was put him in his bed. The doorbell continued to ring. Darnell closed the door to Trell's room but a left it open a crack. He jogged the downstairs and roughly opened the door to be face to face with her. 

"What. The. Fuck. Do. You. Want?" Darnell said in a low and stern voice. 

"I need help Darnell"

"My name isn't help. I needed help years ago when you irresponsibly left our- excuse me, MY son on the porch like it's movie in the 1900's. I should be the very last person you should be coming to for help. Where the hell is the boyfriend you dropped your parental responsibilities for?"

"That's why I need help. He left me. I got pregnant with his child and I stole money from him to have an abortion. He really wanted a baby, but I killed his child. He gave me enough money for food and to rent out the suite in a hotel for a month, assuming that I would I get a job in 31 days. I didn't and now I have nothing" 

Darnell looked at her with a blank stare. He chuckled and tried to figure out what to say. 

"I- I really don't know what you want me to do, to be honest. I don't fuck with you, and obviously ole dude definitely don't fuck with you... You came knocking on the wrong door. I'm not the Lord. I care how much wrong you do. You had three strikes, you swung at every ball and missed. Now sit that ass on the bench and watch me play" Darnell said as he went inside the house to close the door.

"Matter of fact, your parents actually live two blocks behind me. I'm sure they would love a visit from you. Goodnight Del'Monte" Darnell said closing the door and locking it. 

He chuckled. "Damn that girl is funny"


"Do you still keep in contact with her?" Akiya asked as she sat at her desk in her home office, going through files for the shop. 

"Nah, I actually haven't talked to her since Trell was... 1" Akiya went wide-eyed. They were on Facetime together. Akiya was using her laptop and Darnell was using his phone. 

"That's rude. You haven't spoken in over three years and you come back out of nowhere asking for help. But I'll stop talking because I have no prior knowledge on the subject"

Darnell didn't respond, but stared at her while she was working. She was wearing an oversized tee with no panties on and no bra on, knee high socks and her hair was in a bonnet. 

"You look cute when you're focused" Darnell said randomly. 

Akiya made her signature stink face. "Ew. Stop looking at me. Do you have anything else to do but stare at my beautiful face?"

"Nah, I have nothing else to do. I like staring at your beautiful face" Akiya put her pen down and stared back at Darnell. 

"Let me ask you a question" She leaned forward and rested her chin on her hand. 

"Shoot" Darnell relaxed and put his arm behind his head. 

"You really want to be a construction worker the rest of your life?"

"Hell no. I actually want to go to culinary school. I like to cook" 

"Why don't you?" Darnell moved the camera so it would face Trell, who is sleeping next to Darnell. 

"Yeah I understand that. But baby-"

"I don't really want to talk about this right now"

"You need to talk about it"

"I just said, I don't want to talk about it. Actually I'm tired, I'm about to go to sleep. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Darnell hung on the Facetime before allowing her to respond. He threw his phone on the charger and turned his lamp, and stared off into the darkness. 


"I have a bad feeling about this Thanksgiving. I feel like something is going to happen" Mercy said as she plopped down onto the bed next to King. She threw her leg over his hip and cuddled under him. He put the covers over both of them and reached his hand down to touch her butt. 

"Why? Because of the Thanksgiving when you were pregnant?" King asked. 

"That's part of the reason, but I have this gut feeling and it's bothering me"

"It's probably just gas" 

Mercy hit his chest making him laugh. "What? Baby just forget about the gut feeling okay? Don't allow these gut feelings to ruin your time with your family, okay? I'm not saying don't listen to it, but don't let it control you" Mercy understood what he saying. 

"This is why I'm with your bald headed ass. See. For advice like that. And these big ass lips I like to kiss all up on" Mercy said as she moved over and straddled his lap. She bent down and started a full on make out session. 

"Let me ask you a question" King said, stopping the session. Mercy sighed and moved her head so it was resting on his shoulder. Her silence notified him to continue to speak. 

"Did you know my dad is getting out this month?" King asked. He already knew the answer. How he found out, he's keeping to himself. 


"And you didn't tell me for what reason?"

"You're mom told me she was going to tell you and Lexi. It wasn't my responsibility, nor my information to be blabbing it about" Mercy said as she got off of him and went back to her side of the bed. 

"I thought we said no secrets"

"And I just said it wasn't my business to share"

"Not the point"



I guess that conversation is over. 

Boring chapter. 

Just catching up on the relationships and shit like that. 

Del'Monte is back... 


Update soon!

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