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"Yeah, we can talk. What do you want to talk about?" Mercy asked, pretending to be confused. Anthony gave her the "don't act dumb" look. She sighed and sat up on the headboard. 

"I know what you want to talk about"

"I am attracted to you, very attracted to you. I've been attracted to you since I started working at the barbershop. I never approached because you were with King, and I didn't want to be disrespectful. I'm not just attracted to you in a sexual manner, so don't misunderstand me. I don't know where I'm going with this, but I hope that we can move forward in our relationship and not just remain friends"

Mercy has been feeling the same way about Anthony. But she knows that it is too soon to be focused on a relationship when she has two kids to raise and a career to advance in. 

"I can assure you that we will not remain friends, and at some point we will move forward. And I feel the same way about you. But I just got out of a long relationship with King and I'm just getting used to the feeling of not being in a relationship, and I like it. For now, may I add. I just want to focus on my babies and my career, and when I'm ready to add onto the focus I'll be ready to get into a relationship with you."

"I'll take that. As long as I know this is not going to be a dead end thing. Now come hither and let's cuddle" Mercy rolled her eyes and turned over so her back was facing his front. He wrapped his arms around her and they drifted off to sleep. 



Mercy's phone alarm went off for 6 a.m. It was time for work. She grabbed her phone and turned off her alarm. Forgetting that Anthony's arm was draped over her, she tried to get up but was held down by him. "Five more minutes" he mumbled, pulling her closer into him and snuggling his chin into her neck. 

"You can have five more minutes, I'm about to get ready. I'll wake you up when I'm out of the shower so you can hop in" He complied and rolled over on his other side. 

Mercy grabbed her essentials for the shower and started her morning. About twenty minutes later, she was leaving the bathroom in just a towel. Still in her towel, she shook Anthony awake. 

"A man can't ever sleep!" Anthony dramatically yelled. 

"Get up, you have to get ready" Mercy said. She walked into her closet and picked out an outfit for today. It's been in the high 80's lately and Mercy was going to dress to match the heat. 

Once she got her outfit ready, she walked back into her bedroom to hear the shower on and no Anthony in sight. She began to get lotion and put her clothes on. She decided on wearing a pair of flare denim shorts with a cuffed hem and a thin black belt, a yellow scoop neck cami top that stopped before her belly button that read "it's your loss, baby", black Huaraches, and a gold Casio wrist watch. 

Once she was dressed, Mercy went downstairs to make a quick breakfast smoothie. She knows that Anthony is big on health, gym, muscles and all that jazz. And she is also trying to stay in shape. 

As she was making the smoothie, her phone dinged and it was a message from Viv. 

Can I get the kids on Tuesday until Thursday? I just want to spend time with them. Darnell is already bringing Trell over to spend time with me.

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