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Thanksgiving week: Day 4: November 23, 20XX

"Aye, baby let me holla at you real quick" King said as he interrupted Mercy's conversation with Lorie. Mercy looked at him confused but set down the sweet potatoes and grabbed his hand as he led her outside the house.

They both went outside and King was trying to get his words together before explaining to her what he heard. Mercy was getting impatient, because it was a little nippy outside. "King, what did you want to tell me?"

King just decided to tell her what he heard. After the story, Mercy was annoyed. "King, it was probably nothing. It's probably just another family member"

"Probably, but why was she so secretive about it?"

"Do you want me to ask her about it?" King's eyes widened.

"Hell no. You're family is already a little iffy about me since you tell Staci everything, I don't need you making me out to seem like a ear hustler"

"I do not tell Staci everything. I ask her questions and request advice" King rolled his eyes.

"Go back inside the house and cook, sugar coder. I'm about to smoke"

"I thought we agreed that you were done with that?" King scoffed.

"No we didn't. I said I'd think about it" King said as he pulled his nicely rolled blunt back out and lit it. Mercy was standing there looking at him. He held the blunt out to her and she stared at him blankly. King pulled the blunt back to his lips.

Mercy sighed and grabbed the blunt from King's fingertips and took a few pulls from it. "Damn, I haven't done that in a while" Mercy said in a daze. She pulled herself back together and pecked King a few times on the lips and went back inside to cook.


Thanksgiving week: Day 4: November 24, 20XX

"Y'all come downstairs for breakfast" Grandma Sim yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Sim and Staci were in the kitchen since 7 cooking a large breakfast for the family.

The breakfast consisted of cheese grits, pancakes, eggs, ham, bacon, sausage, fruits, and plenty more. Alphonso was the first one downstairs for the food, but was stuck with setting the adults table and the kids table.

"This ain't fair mama" Alphonso whined as he placed silverware at every seat. Staci laughed and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Life ain't fair. And little girl, keep your tongue in your mouth. DeVon is not down here" Grandma Sim warned. It was Alphonso's turn to tease Staci.

"Y'all still act like little kids" Grandpa Frank said as he walked into the dining room with Zion on his shoulders.

"Hey pops" Alphonso greeted his father. Staci walked over and kissed her dad on his cheek and rubbed Zion's tummy.

"Oh! Give me my grand baby" Sim said as she took Zion from her husband's shoulders. Frank admired his wife interacting with the baby and smacked her on her behind. "How about you give that boy to Staci and reminisce about making babies?" Frank whispered in his wife's ear.

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