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"Hello, I'm Mercy Grey. I'm here for Marjae Grey, she had some type of allergy reaction because of a dog. I'm her mother"

"Yes, her father said you'd be coming. She's on floor three, room 304" The receptionist gave her and Journey a visitor's pass. So many things were going through Mercy's head.

Why were they at a dog park? Why did King bring her kids around this random person? Why did Shawna call her about her own child instead of King? What's going on?

Mercy didn't realize she was holding her breath until she walked into the hospital room and saw her baby girl knocked out on a hospital bed with things hooked up to her. A tear fell down her face as she stared at her first born. 

Kira, Nas, Selena, Darnell, Akiya, King, Shawna, and Dom were in the hospital room. 

King tried to hug her but Mercy started to throw punches at him. "What did you do?!" Was all Mercy could manage to say as she was pounding on him. 

"Mercy chill" She heard Dom whisper in her ear. She turned around into Dom's chest and started to cry. He walked her over to Marjae's bed. 

"Baby are you okay?" Mercy and everyone else in the room heard Shawna say to King. Everyone stopped what they were doing. Dom was the first one to react. 

"What the fuck she just say?" Dom said as he let Mercy go and walked over to King. 

Shawna got in between King and Dom. "I called him baby because he's my boyfriend. Is there a problem? Because it can be addressed right now" Shawna said boldly. 

"Shawna..." King started to say, before he saw the way Mercy was looking at him. 

"I gave you so many chances King. So many. So many chances to get your act together and actually be faithful. I forgave you for cheating on me with my best friend. I forgave you for lying to me about having a baby with her. I took in that child as my own. I went to court to be the legal parent of that child. I forgave you for all the wrongs you have done to me. I gave you my trust so many times, and this is the pay I get back. I fell in love with you and this is what I get back?! Are you serious?!" Mercy began to get louder. 

"Let's address this right now. I'm his girlfriend, well his ex-girl friend as of today. We've been together on and off for about 3-4 years now. He lives in my house. He sleeps in my bed. I don't know when this whole thing with you and him started, but it can continue. I'm done trying with you King. I don't know what else to do. We can figure out a way for you to still see Zion, but that will be the only reasoning we will have to speak. I do not trust you around Marjae any longer. Can you please leave?" Mercy said as she stared directly into his eyes. 

"Mercy, just listen..."

"Negro! She said leave! Fuck wrong with you man?!" Dom's voice boomed from behind Mercy, making everyone jump and waking up Marjae. 

"Mommy?" Marjae said as she rubbed her eyes. Mercy spun around and ran to her daughter's aid. 

"Yes baby?" Marjae looked around and looked at the needles in her arms, her heart rate monitor began to speed up. "Marjae calm down, calm down. It's okay. You just had an allergic reaction. You'll be okay baby, just calm down" Mercy began to massage her daughter's scalp which always seemed to calm her down, even when she was a baby. Her heart rate monitor slowed down and began to beep normally. 

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