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"Bye, mom! Bye, Dad!" I shouted for the whole house to hear. I am heading outside to go to my school. Just one more year to go and I will graduate!

My mom looked at me in worry and glances at my dad just sitting at the couch too immersed in his movie. "Ya! Do you think it's fine for her to go?"
I didn't want to go and my mom is worried about me going, I have the perfect chance of me not going to school but it'll just delay things.

"Mom, I have to." I assured her, "I'll be fine. I'm fine."

I am going to a new school, since my dad's work required him to move here. I ran to the bus stop, patiently waiting while I calm my heart beating.

I hate this part of life.

Meeting new people, having to talk to them, and to have all the burden of "work".

But that is the inevitable part of life.

The bus finally came as I scan for an empty seat, seeing students with the same uniform as me makes me feel pressured. I feel like they're all looking at me, but it's probably just me thinking that. Not everything is about me, I comforted myself.

I headed to the back sitting on an empty spot. I held my hands that are starting to sweat as I look for the right stop.

I stood up with all the students who already have someone they're talking to. I put my head up, trying not to look weak and as an easy target but I couldn't help but look at the ground. The music is doing a great job in comforting me. As I step out of the bus, people started dashing out bumping to me. Then a hard push came against my back.

"Sorry." I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to meet the person's face. I wanted to swear at him but his smile made me shut up.

I bowed quickly.

"What are you doing?"

I looked up to see a girl in front of me who is smiling. I glanced around to see the guy gone. He must've went already. That was fast.

The girl scanned me and squinted her eyes, "You must be new."

I nodded politely smiling.

"Ah, well. Come on!" She gestured and I followed her in. She led me to the office as this teacher led me to a class.

He got the student's attention fast, "Class! Welcome our new student."

They all stared at me and here I am dying out of nervousness. I caught sight of the girl who talked to me earlier. Maybe I can try to be friends with her.
Now here I am sitting beside her.

Everything is going well. The girl, her name is Minji or Min for short volunteered to tour me around the school.

We entered what seem to be just a classroom, then she got called over by a person. She turned to me, "Wait here, Ok? If they ask you where I went, tell them the washroom. I'll be back shortly."

I nodded and took a seat. I heard the door open a few seconds later. She's back already but when I turned, oh! It's the person earlier that bumped to me.

I stood up bowing to him, putting my hands together. He looks handsome.

"Ah, it's you! Sorry for earlier. You seem to be a new student here?" He smiles approaching me closer. I nodded in response. "Why are you here?"

"Oh, Min is touring me and she went to the washroom." I replied.

"Well, my names Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. Well, welcome to the school. It's nice here. Don't worry." He extends his arm for a handshake as I take it.

"I'm Hyeji" I introduced.

Then the door opened, "Oh, sorry for letting you wait. It's just my friend is-- Why are you extending your arm?" She lets out a small laugh.

"Eh?" I looked around to see no one but just Min and me. Wait...what?

"Well, let's go?" She raises her eyebrow. I nod and slowly followed her. Where did Jungkook go? I decided to ask Min, "Do you know any guy named Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook?"

She looks to her side, thinking. "Never heard of Jeon Jungkook. Only Kim and Lee's."

"Oh, I just saw him earlier."

"Weird. I know everyone in this school but maybe he's also a new student."

New student? Doesn't seem like it though. He welcomed me saying things about the school. Why would a new student tell me not to worry?

That was a weird first day.
Boring chapter, i know~
I'm doing my best to keep it interesting!

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