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Jimin's POV

"Did Hyeji already go home?" I asked Yoongi who is hurriedly fixing her notes as she nodded. "Hmmm... she lives an hour away, right?" I glanced at Yoongi again who just nodded. "Then she comes here alone. Her parents doesn't know and she told us not to contact them"

Yoongi nodded once again and then finally spoke, "Do you really think it wasn't an accident?"

I nod, "When I got the files from the police and hospital, she had a wound in her head, assumed that she hit a rock in the process of drowning but then she said she saw a girl. And then the girl who saw her just disappeared and told someone else to report to the cops. Isn't that suspicious?"

"It is but can also mean that she had somewhere to go or didn't want to get involved." She replied flipping through her papers. "And what do you think about Jungkook? Do you really think she has sc--?" She stopped as her files dropped to the floor. But I already know what she was going to say.

"I'm still not sure about that but it is most likely. I still need to ask her more questions and do more tests. How can she possibly drown if she knows how to swim and she saw a girl, but she was found unconscious." I squeezed the stress ball in my hand.

A phone ring filled the room, Yoongi picked it up. "Ah, ne. We'll be right there!"

I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Taehyung-ssi wants us at his office. He found something." Yoongi said as she grabbed her coat and gestured me to follow. I stood up and entered the car. "This better be a reasonable call."

We arrived at the police station. We headed straight to Taehyung who is immersed in his computer then exclaimed as soon as he saw us, "Jimin! You have to hear this!"

"I'm listening." I replied and sat down beside him.

"I got in contact with the person who reported the girl's drowning. We got a hold of her profile and she has been reported for stalking and threatening before. Her name is Minjoon."

"Stalking? Threatening? Do you know who reported her?" I asked him.

"Wait..." He scrolled, reading the computer. "Ah, here it is. Jeon Jungkook."

"Eh?" I sat straight up and checked the computer myself. It really says here, Jeon Jungkook. I read the report out loud, "Minjoon had been stalking him for a year now and Jungkook reported her three times saying she's threatening him to leave her girlfriend. Minjoon is a girl in his school that had been crushing on him but went crazy when he started dating someone. Jungkook asked if he can have the girl restraint away from him and his girlfriend. Minjoon had once stated she'll do something to his girlfriend if he won't leave her."

"That's scary." Yoongi commented behind me as she writes all what I read out. "So it's possible that she might be the culprit?"

I nodded.

"You guys think so, too right?! I thought it was odd that the girl had a wound to her head when I saw no signs of rocks nearby the scene. I told them but they wouldn't listen and just passed it as an accident. I knew there was more to the accident." Taehyung emphasized on the word 'accident'.

Well, who would listen to this weird guy, I thought.

"Then we need to meet up with Minjoon." I told them.


I sat in the police station's hangout place with Taehyung and Yoongi.

"So you think Minjoon could've hit Hyeji on the head and that caused her to lose consciousness and drowned?" Taehyung just repeated every word I said. I nodded, "Since Hyeji is Jungkook's girlfriend and she once stated that she'll harm her and has threatened Jungkook and her so it's reasonable to accuse her. But we need more evidence to this. Too bad that Jungkook is in a coma and Hyeji does not remember anything about the accident or Jungkook."

"Is that possible? You only forgot a part of your memory just because you got hit on the head and the over-consumption of water?"

"Very possible but not common. It is possibly triggered by trauma or when the person itself chooses to push the memory away, forgetting it. There must've been something that had happened to Hyeji and Jungkook. Also, find out why Hyeji was at the ocean late at night. What made her want to forget the accident and Jungkook?" I sighed.

"That's cool..." Taehyung responded, intrigued on my words. "So how do you find that out?"

"I'll get in contact with Minjoon first and find out if she really was there at the scene and if she has anything to do with Hyeji's accident." I answered. "Also, get Hyeji to a hypnosis if possible. And Yoongi, you told me that Jungkook's mom visits him once a week right?"

Yoongi nodded then she left to do some business.

"I need to ask her a few questions about them and ask for places that Jungkook and Hyeji often go to. It is possible that it will trigger memories to her since it worked for her at the ocean."

"How about Hyeji's parents? Ever asked them?" Taehyung asked while he's touching this cute accessory of Yoongi. I told you he's an alien.

"Hyeji seem to stop us from that. Her parents does not know about her coming here."

"Is that good? She's still 20, doesn't she need permission?"

"Not for me. I don't work like that. I help a person who is need of help. What's the need for permission when they themselves agree to it, why need someone else's permission? That is non-sense to me. And she's 20 as you said, that's adult age."

"I was just asking." Taehyung pouted.

"Ah..sorry to interrupt but Minjoon agreed to meet up with us." Yoongi entered smiling and looked at Taehyung who is pouting then glared at me. "Jimin! What did you do now? Did you scold him again? I told you to stop playing with people's emotions."

"I didn't do anything. And when is that?"

"Later at 6pm." She answered still glaring at me.

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