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Hyeji's POV

It's already been 2 days since I didn't meet Jimin and Yoongi but now, I'm on the way there. They told me it was for a hypnosis. I never really believed or even seen or even experienced a hypnosis before. I was scared of it, having the thought of someone entering through the dungeon of my mind is pretty terrifying. But it's for my sake too.

"Alright, lay down and close your eyes." Jimin ordered me to as I followed. "Relax."

He told me to take deep breaths in and out.

"1.2.3" Snap.

Think Deeply. Jeon Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. Who is he?

Jimin's POV

I am planning to do retrograde hypnosis on her. It has no scientific basis but just maybe... I need to do this in order to bring back the memories she has kept locked in her mind.

*"Close your eyes. Take deep breaths. Slowly breath in air and slowly breath out. Focus your mind on your lower abdomen and breath as much air in, then hold your breath and breathe it all out. Now you'll feel all the strength from you body disappear as you slowly relax. Now, your whole body is in a state of peace. Now, will you go back to the time you drowned?"

*(Taken from Dr. Frost Webtoon series. I love that webtoon to death!)

"Jeon Jungkook." Hyeji's voice called out. "I see him with another girl, they're talking outside the house. He's coming."

I listened carefully as Yoongi took notes quickly. "Let him in. Talk to him."

"Don't touch me." She intoned. "Let me go. Then how come I see you with her for a week straight now?! You're not even bothering to explain right now."

Seems like she got into her character.

She paused right there before she continued, "Safety? Jungkook, you don't need to lie. You know...I just need a moment please."

"Get out. Go to the ocean." I ordered her. "Near it. Go in.  How do you feel?"

"Relaxed. Free." She replied. "I go here every time I need to think. I feel calm. The water is touching my feet. No....! STOP IT! OWWW!"

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"HELP ME!! Help....PLEASE!!"

Then finally as I expected, she started thrashing.

"J-j-jimin." Yoongi stuttered.

I counted backwards, "3.2.1" And clapped my two hands waking her up to her senses. She was heaving deeply as Yoongi went over patting her on the back, helping her calm down. I stared at her and questioned, "Do you remember what you saw?"

She nodded, still trying to catch her breath. Yoongi helped her sit on the couches.

"Your memory still seems blurry. How do you feel right now?" I glanced at her which she is looking at the ground right now. Many cases of this hypnosis is the person still remembers what they saw since they were still conscious in the process of the hypnosis.

"I don't know... I was scared. There was someone else there."

"Who? Do you remember?"

"No...but she, a girl hit me with a rock on the head. She just did it, the waves started to pull me in the ocean. I shouted at her to help me but all I received was a smile as she just stared at me. It was scary and dark, I could barely make out her face. I was just scared... "

So that confirms it, that there was a person there and a girl. "How about you telling Jungkook to let you go? What was that?"

"I don't know... I know he didn't do any wrong. He wasn't doing anything but I felt... sad and confused." She fumbled with her hands.

It sucks that no one can help us in this case or to complete her memory except Jungkook or Hyeji herself. "Ah, have you seen Jungkook?"

"Yes. At the hospital, I visited twice and I met her mom who seems to know me."

Right, the mom but I wasn't asking that question. "I mean this ghost of Jungkook?"

"Ah.." She replies quietly and shook her head, "Not for 4 days now since I met Jungkook's real self."

Hm~ Unusual but expected.

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