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I laid down on my bed after getting tired from my parents' scolding and thought of earlier instead.

So we met at a first day of school as a new student, does that explain why I met him again at a first day of school as a new student? He was always there, too when I'm alone and followed me when I told him not to. Sounds similar to Namjoon's story.

And my habit of taking my deep breaths and saying I'm fine when I'm under pressure, was that all from him?

I thrashed, kicking my blanket feeling frustrated of not knowing anything. Just when will my mind give the memory back to me? Just why that memory of him? Was I really that mad that my mind decided to push him away?

Let's just call this fate. Destiny is the word.

I decided to call Yoongi and ended up telling her everything about earlier.

"Interesting. Seems like you haven't completely forgotten about him." She responded after listening to me. She seems to be a really good listener.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, seems like you still have fragments of him. What he did to comfort you is now what you do to comfort you and you met at the first day of school so it might have triggered your mind to do it on a specific time, too to make Jungkook in your mind so--" She was cut by...

Jimin suddenly spoke up, "So that means that you might've have felt nervous and pressured for the first day and to comfort you, you made Jungkook so he's there to calm you down. Meaning by that, making Jungkook was the way to help you cope with your anxiety."

"Uhm...Jimin? Were you listening the whole time?!" I exclaimed after listening to him explain since I was so intrigued in what he was saying. "Yoongi!"

"Sorry, Hyeji! It wasn't my fault. When you called, he was here and got curious to who was calling and I said you then he told me to put you on speaker. Uhm, so yeah. Sorry Hyeji!"

"It's okay. I would've said this to Jimin anyway." I forgave her. "Seems like Jimin was jealous that someone was calling you, huh? Well, bye! Have a good night, you two!"

"YAH! You made the atmosphere here really awkward now!" Jimin yelled at me as I hung up. Good luck to those two. Why don't they just date? Yoon...min.. Yoonmin, that's the ship name!

I ended up thinking about what they said earlier, it all made sense now. Jungkook, what have you really done to me? Even if I forgot who you are, you still left a big impression on me and that I am still doing my best to remember you.


I woke up to my mom's shouting downstair for my name to wake up. My alarm didn't even wake up yet. I struggled to stand up as I went to wash up.

I made my way to class to meet Min talking to the others. She smiled and waved me over to her. I ended up talking to her and her other friends. I am doing well in school so far, they wonder why I keep quiet all the time and go home straight. I just tell them that I have something to do but they seem to worry about me but Min just tells them I have some responsibilities as she winks at me. I shake my head, she believes that I am looking for my long lost love who is Jungkook. She got some part wrong but also right, I am looking for my memories of him.

Maybe, I can ask her cousin since she said that her cousin goes to the school in Yeouido. "Min, who's your cousin again that knows Jungkook?"

"Ah, him? His name is Namjoon."

"Eh?" My jaw dropped. He was the guy that I met.

"Why? You know him?"

I shook my head, "I just met him yesterday at the school, didn't know he was your cousin." I explained, better than lying and for what anyways?

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