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I was startled of his presence behind me. What the hell?! I turned around to see him smiling cheekily. I breathed in deeply. I pulled him to sit.

"Alright. I'll get this straight."

He stares at me blankly.

"Your name is Jungkook. Do you know who you are?"

He tilts his head, staring to the side and shrugged. So he doesn't? How? He started appearing in my first school day, used to appear only when I'm alone and in that room but now, it's different. "How old are you? Do you know your birthday?"

"September 1. I'm turning 22." He replies. He knows that part...

"How come I'm the only one that sees you? Why me?" I questioned more.

He stands up, his face went serious, "I'm bored. I don't want to do this anymore." Then there he leaves and closes my door.

I ran after him but he's gone, again. Where'd he go this time? I brushed him away from my thoughts and took a shower to refresh my disturbed mind but that added more thoughts to me. I sat on my chair, grabbed my notebook and wrote notes.

Jeon Jungkook. (September 1, 21 years old.)

Doesn't know who he is.
Heart is beating.
Appears and Disappears randomly.
Not a ghost, he says.
Only I can touch him. (K, that sounded wrong)
Only I can see him.
Well, he talks. (Most ghosts don't right?)
Can't answer my questions as to what's his reason here and why me? (Is he hiding something or he just doesn't know?)

"Ah, JEON JUNGKOOK! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I screamed in frustration.

"Hyeji...are you okay? Why are you screaming again?" My mom comes in. I didn't realize they came home already, I was immersed in finding out this mystery. "And what Jungkook are you saying?"

"Ah..." I hurriedly thought of a lie, "This classmate I have, he's annoying me."

My mom bites her lip and her eyes filled with worry, "What Jungkook?"

"Kim Jungkook. He's this muscly guy in my class." I smiled at her as she nods then closed my door.

It's already 12am, I really lose track of time easily. You can say it's my talent. I laid down on my bed, putting my laptop away then closed the lights, pulling my phone out.

I went to YouTube, doing my everyday routine then I slowly drifted to sleep.


Waking up to a handsome guy can be pretty surprising.

"Ahhhhh!!!" I screamed in surprise to the guy laying down beside me. I kicked and kicked pulling my blanket to cover me up.

My mom once again is the first one to rush to me. "Hyeji! What, what happened?!"

I took a few seconds to calm myself, staring at Jungkook who is groaning in pain. "T-there w-was a s-spi-spider on my bed." I barely managed to speak. My mom, instead of getting mad as I predicted, she looked at me in worry, "Do we need to get an extirpator?"

I shook my head. No one can get rid of this kind of spider. "It's okay. I was just shocked.."

I hear my mom sigh as she closes my door.

I glare at Jungkook and I quietly scold him. "What the hell were you doing? You scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry...but no need to kick me."

"Aish, just go away. I told you not to do anything!" I said in anger as I leave my room then turned to him while pointing my finger at him, "Don't follow me. You're distracting me."

I slowly made my way downstairs then stopped at the mention of my name.

"This is third time it happened. What if Hyeji actually--" My mom speaks in a worried tone.

"See, stop talking about that! You're just going to make it worse." My dad cuts her off. "She's fine, she'll be okay here away from him."


"But we should still check up on her. I know for sure, that spider she uses isn't real. She's hiding something."

She knew I was lying?

I hear someone coming up.

What is really happening? I ran to my room, not making any sound. I meet Jungkook who is sitting on my bed. I stare at him, just shaking my head, telling myself to ignore him.

I quickly jump on my bed.

"Hyeji." My dad opens my door. "Your mom and I are leaving now. Go down and eat breakfast."

I nodded and said my goodbye. As soon as I heard the door close and the car going away. I ran to my parent's room and straightly went to look for things.

I opened the drawer which is inside their walk-in closet. There were piles of files. Something caught my eye.


Why would they have a file of myself?

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