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Why is he here? I sat down across my parents beside Yoongi who is always holding her notebook and pen. I glanced at all of them as they all stared back at me.

"You know him?" My dad broke the ice. I nodded.

"How do you know and why do you know a psychiatrist?" My mom questioned as she avoids looking at Jimin, who seems the most relaxed here.

"Uh.." I couldn't find an answer. Is Jimin supposed to be here anyway? Can a psychiatrist just come here and spill his words out without my permission? But I don't really have a problem with it.

"Alright, Mr and Mrs So. Let's get straight to the point. Can you please tell me what you know about the accident and Jungkook?" Jimin asked straightforwardly. I flinched at his question but I was also curious to what my parents would say. My parents stared at me and looked away.

"Go ahead. I'm fine. I'm always fine." I encouraged my mom to speak up.

"I don't really know but...I was against Hyeji dating Jungkook since they are so young at that time. 16 years old. And Jungkook was a delinquent, always skipping classes."

"Well, Ma'am, people are dating even earlier than that." Jimin commented. My mom glared him down. "Continue."

"And she refused. They dated till then but I noticed Hyeji getting problematic and sad when she comes home. I asked but she wouldn't tell me. I somewhat sensed it had something to do with Jungkook. I knew he was a bad person for Hyeji but Hyeji still stood beside him, I couldn't do anything. I just let her be then she went out to meet him. Next thing I know was hearing a phone call from the cops and the hospital. It was terrifying. I didn't want to see Jungkook till that day anymore. He caused her danger!" My mom was avoiding my eyes, it was awkward in a way that my mom is talking like this. Especially when I don't know what she's talking about.

"Do you know where Jungkook is now?" Jimin asked. Why would he ask that? He knows though. My mom shrugs, "We moved away after that accident. Hyeji woke up the day after and never mentioned a word about Jungkook, it seemed like she forgot then the doctor told us that she might've been affected by the accident. But the odd thing is she only forgot her memories with Jungkook and we just never bothered to tell her. I felt like it was better that way. Sorry, Hyeji..."

"Well, Jungkook is on a coma right now for 4 months already." Jimin told her. My mom showed surprise on her face, same with my dad. "W-what?"

"Jimin." Yoongi glared at him. "Take it slow,will you?"

Jimin rolled his eyes and continued on talking to them, "Do you know why your daughter has been visiting me?"

My mom looks at him then me raising her eyebrow.

"Hyeji, may I tell her or you?"

"Jimin!" Yoongi raided her voice. "You're not-"

I stopped Yoongi, "Let him." I mean maybe they can help me, they're my parents.

Jimin smirked at Yoongi who sat back on her spot. "Mrs and Mr. So, your daughter had been seeing delusions."

"Delusions?" I blurted out surprised of his words. I was quiet offended, Jungkook wasn't a delusion...but I wasn't sure of what he is either. I decided to stay silent, Jimin probably knows better than me.

"I went here to tell you and maybe even with your parents so it's just a one-time talk. Hyeji..." He inhaled which gives me bad vibes. "Hyeji, the Jungkook that you have seen before is all a delusion to you, your mind has created that image of him. I got ahold of her mom yesterday and she told me about pulling the plug and it seems too coincidental that you would see him at the same date and I also found out that you guys met at that specific date."

I stayed quiet, listening to him.

He continued, "What I concluded is that you have...*schizophrenia."

*(Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand what is real. Common symptoms include false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking, hearing voices, reduced social engagement and emotional expression, and a lack of motivation. People with schizophrenia often have additional mental health problems such as anxiety disorders, major depressive illness, or substance use disorder.)

"WHAT?!" My mom spoke up before I could react. I couldn't move. No, this can't be real. I felt Yoongi's hands rub my back. Schizophrenia, I only saw that on the drama 'It's Okay, It's Love'. I can't believe I have it myself, I mean Jungkook is the only evidence right?

"You can heal me, right?"

Jimin sighed, "Not that word but help you lessen the effects of it. There is exactly no cure to schizophrenia, it's a special and a very complex case. Your case might be different since it seems that Jungkook is the only delusion you had and it's only the beginning. There's a chance you can fight it back."

"Is what you said true?" My dad asked, his face down.

Jimin nodded, "I don't lie."

"So what now?" My dad asked, despair showing in his voice.

"I will need Hyeji to come to my office as soon as possible and I will do antipsychotic tests on her." Jimin answered.

"Tomorrow... She'll go tomorrow." My dad quickly replied and glanced at me. I couldn't react at all, what was I supposed to do?

I stood up and headed to my room. Jimin gestured Yoongi to follow me which she did. I didn't bother stopping, I need someone. Someone.

Yoongi closed the door after me, "You okay? I mean of course, you're not but you want to talk?"

I sat on my bed as I feel her take a seat on my chair. "Yoongi...What will happen to me now?"

"Hyeji, you can fight it back. As long as you are willing to do the tests then you'll be okay. I promise you."

"Please don't promise. I'll believe it and might get hurt by it..." Just like last time. Just like last time! How come I felt that feeling, what about last time? I just remember...Jungkook. He promised me something. I remember.

"Hyeji, no. I am sure. I know it." Yoongi put a hand on my shoulder. "I'll help you with all I can. And to add to that, you last saw him 4 days ago and nothing ever happened right? No harms caused?"

I nodded. " No, I mean I saw him yesterday. He didn't speak but just followed me. That was all."

"Odd indeed but he didn't do anything. It might've have stopped since you saw the real one yourself. See, you might've already healed." She gave me a warm smile, "But you still need to be there tomorrow so we can confirm. Get a rest, dear. You've had enough for today. Rest well and come, okay?"

I nodded and there, she left me. I laid on my bed, tears wetting my pillows as I drift to sleep.


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