Part 26

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Part 26: -

Elianna’s POV

“That was amazing” I commented as I lay next to Greg trying to catch my breath.

“Are you sure you’re a beginner?” He asked.

“I’m positive,” I laughed.

“That was not normal for a beginner; no way in hell was it” Greg spoke as he tangled his fingers around mine.

“I’m positive I’m a beginner. Never had sex in my life so I’m positive. I don’t class their sex as being sex, more a violent repercussion,” I stated.

“I know you’re a beginner, I was joking. However, that was amazing though”

“Thanks, although, now we have to go work” I laughed, getting out of bed. We were going to pack Greg’s things up this afternoon because mine was done and it was just Katie’s things left but she wanted to do it herself.

“Ugh, fine” Greg groaned.

“Please don’t make me want you again” I whined.

“Honey, that’s all on your own accord, not mine. Although, if you wanna go again, I’m pretty happy to,” Greg said, wriggling his eyebrows.

“Honey, you’re delirious. Although, I probably would jump you again in a hurry. If I was aroused, as to which I’m not” I lied. I was aroused, so damn much but we had so much to do right now, so it was impossible to continue.

“Babe that is the most utter bullshit I’ve heard from your mouth. We always know you’re aroused constantly,” Greg laughed, as he pulled on his trousers. I wasn’t ready for facing everyone yet, not after what we’ve just done but if we don’t, they would get worried. They always did whenever we went away for a bit. We sometimes, just need time to recover from everything. We need the alone time to recollect back on everything … But you already know that, everyone knows it these days.

    We walked into Greg’s flat, hand in hand. I had fixed my awful sex hair, so no one got suspicious but with the way Katie and Dan were looking at us, I think they already knew. There were stolen glances between the both of them when we arrived, this was awkward.

“So, how was the awesome sex?” Katie blurted out. I just gasped at her confession, how did she know? “Honey, I heard the moans and the groans as I walked in the flat” She commented. Did I say that out loud?

“You sure did babe” Greg then commented. I think I was too lost in my own world to even decipher what was going on. I just kept thinking back on the awesome sex that had just happened. It sure did make me forget about what had happened before. Maybe…Just maybe, I was finding my happiness again. I don’t know, but I do know that my love for Greg will always remain, no matter what happens.

“So did you enjoy the awesome sex?” Katie questioned again.

“How did you know?” I questioned.

“Babe, I heard the moans when I entered our flat. They were loud. You’re both not great at hiding the screams,” Katie laughed.

“Oh lord, were they that bad?”

“They were but you seem happier right now and that’s a good thing. I know you’re glowing because of the sex but honey, embrace it. You’re sane again and that’s all that matters” Katie spoke.

“Yeah, but seriously, did you have to tell Dan?” I questioned.

“I ran scared, what was I meant to do? Lie and say there was a spider?” Katie

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